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Semantic Algebras

State = (Tr x Store x Res)
Res = Store -> P(State)

step: (Store -> Store) -> Res
   step(f,s) = { (true, f(s), _) }
pause: Res -> Res
   pause(r,s) = { (false, s, r) }
seq: Res x Res -> Res
   (r_1 seq r_2)(s) = (f+ o r_1)(s)
      where f(t,s,r) = t ->
         { (false, s, r_2) } [] { (false, s, r seq r_2) }
par: Res x Res -> Res
   (r_1 par r_2)(s) = (r_1 then r_2)(s) union (r_2 then r_1)(s)
      where then: Res x Res -> Res
      (r_1 then r_2)(s) = (f+ o r_1)(s)
         where f(t,s,r) = t -> { (false, s, r_2) } []
         { (false, s, r then r_2), (false, s, r_2 then r) }
flatten: Res -> Store -> P(Store)
   flatten r s = (f+ o r)(s)
       where f(t,s,r) = t -> {s} [] (flatten r)(s)

Id: intro.tex,v 1.2 1996/01/31 15:37:03 schreine Exp schreine

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