HOME Korean Le Petit Prince - The Little Prince FrisianGherdeina



Language: Gherdëina
Title: L Pitl Prinz
Transliteration: Tlo es mi sucrët. L ie drët scëmpl: cun l cuer vëijen l bën. Cie che ie plu empurtant ne vëijen nia cun i uedli.

Region: Gherdëina is only spoken in the Grödental, which is one of the valleys of the Dolomites in the district of Bozen (Italy).
Translator: Tranlated from German by Printoh Beatrix
Publisher: Istitut Culturel Ladin "Micurá de Rü", San Martin de Tor
Year: 1993

Thanks goes to:
Raffaella Zingerle

September 1, 2009

HOME Korean Le Petit Prince - The Little Prince FrisianGherdeina