HOME Dutch Le Petit Prince - The Little Prince Ladin-Verschiun-BadiotGalician



Language: Galego
Title: O principiño
Transliteration: Velaiquí o meu segredo. É moi simple: Somentes se ve ben co corazón. O esencial é invisible para os ollos.

Region: north west Spain
Translator: Carlos Casares
Publisher: Editorial Galaxia, Reconquista, 1. Vigo (Spain) Tel. 986 432100
Year: 1976 (1st ed.), 2000 (11th ed.)
ISBN: 84-8288-347-X

Thanks goes to:
Shlomo Lerman
Elena Candelaria
Carlos Casares

September 1, 2009

HOME Dutch Le Petit Prince - The Little Prince Ladin-Verschiun-BadiotGalician