8.6 Restricted Species

Type Constructor



import from Integer;
CharacteristicSpecies(n: Integer)(L: LabelType):
    CombinatorialSpecies L == RestrictedSpecies(List, n)(L) add;


A species constructor to restrict a given species.

According to [BLL98, p. 30], each species F gives rise canonically to an enumerable family (Fn)n0 of species defined by setting for each n ,

         F[U], if cardU = n,
Fn[U] =  ∅,    otherwise.
The species Fn is said to be the species F restricted to n.

The constructor RestrictedSpecies takes a species F and a natural number n and constructs a species G that is concentrated on the cardinality n, i. e., Gk[U] = for k⁄=n and any set U. In other words RestrictedSpecies constructs Fn from F.

127dom: RestrictedSpecies 127  (55)
    n: Integer
)(L: LabelType): CombinatorialSpecies L == F L add {
        Rep == F L;
        nn: I == machine n;
        import from Rep;
        implementation: RestrictedSpecies 128a

RestrictedSpecies, used in chunks 129b, 640, and 655.

Uses CombinatorialSpecies 71, I 47, Integer 66, LabelType 62, and SPECIES 55.
128aimplementation: RestrictedSpecies 128a  (127)  128b
structures(s: SetSpecies L): Generator % == generate {
        if #s = nn then for r in structures(s)$Rep repeat yield per r;

Uses Generator 617 and SetSpecies 117.
128bimplementation: RestrictedSpecies 128a+   (127)  128a  128c
isomorphismTypes(s: SetSpecies L): Generator % == generate {
        if #s = nn then for r in isomorphismTypes(s)$Rep repeat yield per r;

Uses Generator 617 and SetSpecies 117.
128cimplementation: RestrictedSpecies 128a+   (127)  128b  128d
generatingSeries: ExponentialGeneratingSeries == {
        term(coefficient(generatingSeries$F(L), nn), nn);

Uses ExponentialGeneratingSeries 316.
128dimplementation: RestrictedSpecies 128a+   (127)  128c  129a
isomorphismTypeGeneratingSeries: OrdinaryGeneratingSeries == {
        term(coefficient(isomorphismTypeGeneratingSeries$F(L), nn), nn);

Uses OrdinaryGeneratingSeries 311.
129aimplementation: RestrictedSpecies 128a+   (127)  128d  129b
cycleIndexSeries: CycleIndexSeries == {
        term(coefficient(cycleIndexSeries$F(L), nn), nn);

Uses CycleIndexSeries 330.
129bimplementation: RestrictedSpecies 128a+   (127)  129a
import from String, Symbol, List SpeciesExpression;
expression: SpeciesExpression == apply(- "RestrictedSpecies",
    [expression$F(L), leaf n]);

Uses RestrictedSpecies 127, SpeciesExpression 430, and String 65.