7 Common Aldor Include File for Combinat

 7.1 Global Macros
 7.2 Support for Tracing Domain Instantiations
 7.3 Loading the Combinat Library
 7.4 Axiom-Aldor compatibility

This file should be included in every file that uses the Combinat library.

After giving a copyright notice we include the standard library Algebra.

The assertion MacrosCombinat is set for the compilation of Combinat. See the FLAGSal and FLAGSx in Makefile.inc.nw.

ToDo 9
rhx 5 24-May-2006: Remove macros that are never used.
46* 13+   45  55
---- Combinat
---- Copyright (C) Ralf Hemmecke <ralf@hemmecke.de>
---- svn co svn://svn.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/hemmecke/combinat/

#if Axiom
#include "axiom"
Axiom-Aldor-compatibility macros 54
#include "algebra"
#if MacrosCombinat
macro {global macros 47}
domain instantiation support 50
loading the library 51