One of my main aims, when I founded RISC, was the creation of
a stimulating environment for international PhD students. In the
frame of the PhD curriculum on symbolic
computation which I developed since 1974 and, in a more systematic
form, since 1982, I personally advised the PhD students listed below.
Many other PhD theses were advised by the faculty which I recruited
and built up for carrying through the PhD curriculum at RISC. Six
of my PhD students received the highest Austrian award for PhD students,
the "Sub Auspiciis Praesidentis Rei Publicae" graduation,
in which the Austrian state president is personally present (see
the students marked by *). At an average, only one out of hundred
PhD students in Austria reveives this award. Quite some of my former
PhD students are now professors, associate and assistant professors
at various universities and research institutions around the world.
My entry in the Mathematics Genealogy Project.
Ardeleanu, Eugen, Ph.D., Univ. of Linz (Austria), 1995, Invariant
Theory of Finite Groups and Applications.
Craciun, Adrian, PhD., Univ. of Linz (Austria), 2007, Buchberger’s Lazy Thinking Method for Algorithm Synthesis: Case Study Groebner Bases Algorithm.
* Dreiseitl, Stefan, PhD., Univ. of Linz, 1997, Nonlinear System and Structure Identification by Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms.
Dupré, Daniela, Ph.D., Univ. of Linz, 2000, Automated
Theorem Proving by Integrating Proving, Solving and Computing.
* Falkinger, Josef, Ph.D., Univ. of Linz, 1978, Universalität
und Reduzierbarkeit von partiell rekursiven Funktionen, Automaten
und deren Numerierungen.
Fuchs, Günther, PhD., Univ. of Linz (Austria), 2006, Logic Foundation of Geometry and Didactics.
Funk, Gerhard, Ph.D., Univ. of Linz, 1989, A Verification
System for Total Correctness of the Parallel L-Language.
Gehrke, Wolfgang, Ph.D., Univ. of Linz, 1995, Decidability
Results for Categorical Notions Related to Monads by Rewriting Techniques.
Hintenaus, Peter Michael, Ph.D., Univ. of Linz , 1989,
Decomposing and Parameterizing the Solution Set of an Algebraic
Jebelean, Tudor, Ph.D., Univ. of Linz (Austria), 1994, Systolic Multiprecision Arithmetics.
Jenewein, F., Ph.D., Univ. of Innsbruck, 1974, Eine Metasprache
zur Definition von Programmiersprachen und ihre Implementierung.
Kalkbrener, Michael, Ph.D., Univ. of Linz, 1991, Three
Contributions to Elimination Theory.
* Kusche, Klaus, Ph.D., Univ. of Linz, 1995, Castle -
Design and Implementation of a Symbolic computation Language with
Emphasis on Polymorphism and Efficiency.
Kutsia, Temur, Ph.D., Univ. of Linz, 2002,
Unification in Theories with Sequence Variables and Flexible Arity
Function Symbols.
Kutzler, Bernhard, Ph.D., Univ. of Linz, 1988, Algebraic
Approaches to Automated Geometry Theorem Proving.
Lichtenberger, Franz, Ph.D., Univ. of Linz, 1980, Pl/ADT:
Ein System zur Verwendung algebraisch spezifizierter abstrakter
Datentypen in PL/I.
Lisonek, Peter, Ph.D., Univ. of Linz, 1994, Computer-assisted Studies in Algebraic Combinatorics.
Mandache, Ana Maria, Ph.D., Univ. of Linz, 1995, Gröbner
Bases Computation and Gaussian Elimination.
Marin, Mircea, Ph.D., Univ. of Linz, 2000, Functional
Logic Programming with Distributed Constraint Solving.
Mayr, Herwig, Ph.D., Univ. of Linz, 1991, Real-Time Dynamic
Collision Checking Integrated into Graphic Manufacturing Simulation.
Michelic-Birgmayer, Renate, Ph.D., Univ. of Linz, 1989,
Algorithmic Problems in Primary Decomposition.
Nakagawa, Koji, Ph.D., Univ. of Linz, 2002, Supporting User-Friendliness in the Mathematical Software System Theroema.
Piroi, Florina, Phd., Univ. of Linz (Austria), 2004, Tools for Mathematical Knowledge Management.
Plasser, Kurt, Ph.D., Univ. of Linz, 1976, Über
die Vernetzung berechenbarer Funktionen.
* Ploner, H., Ph.D., Univ. of Innsbruck, 1975, Ein Algol
60 Interpreter.
Robu, Judit, Ph.D., Univ. of Linz, 2002,
Geometry Theorem Proving in the Frame of the Theorema Project.
* Rolletschek, Heinrich, Ph.D., Univ. of Linz, 1980,
Contributions to the Systematics of Creativity Concepts.
Rudalics, Martin, Ph.D., Univ. of Linz, 1988, Multiprocessor
List Memory Management.
Schindler, Klaus, Ph.D., Univ. of Innsbruck, 1974, Blumsche
Komplexitätsmaqsse in der verallgemeinerten Rekursionstheorie
von Moschovakis.
Seeber, Gilg, Ph.D., Univ. of Linz, 1980, Kreativität
und Universalität.
* Schreiner, Wolfgang, Univ. of Linz, 1994, Parallel
Functional Programming for Computer Algebra.
Stifter, Sabine, Ph.D., Univ. of Linz, 1988, A Medley
of Solutions to the Robot Collision Problem in two and three Dimensions.
Sutter, Peter, Ph.D., Univ. of Linz, 1976, Implementierung
einer Metasprache zur Definition von auf symbolischen Daten operierenden
Interpretern und ihr Einsatz in der Programmverifikation.
* Winkler, Franz, PhD., Univ. of Linz. The Church-Rosser
Property in Computer Algebra and Special Theorem Proving.
Windsteiger, Wolfgang, PhD., Univ. of Linz, 2001, A Set Theory Prover in Theorema: Implementation and Practical Applications.
Zapletal, Alexander, PhD., Univ. of Linz (Austria), 2008, Compilation of Theorema Programs.