PhD Curriculum for
Symbolic Computation / Mathematics
for Computer Science / The
"Thinking, Speaking, Writing" Course / The
White-Box - Black-Box Principle
Special Didactic Activities/ Mathematics for Computer
In 1979 I designed the "Mathematics for Computer Science"
part of the curriculum of computer science (consisting of four semesters)
at the University of Linz. The approach emphasizes formal training
(predicate logic as a working language) in the first two semesters
and the integration of symbolic computation software systems into
math teaching. This was the first such program that emphasizes the
formal aspects of math training for computer science students. I
taught the courses of this curriculum a couple of times myself (1979-1985
at the University of Linz and, again, 1993-1996 in the Fachhochschule
(Polytechnic University) in Hagenberg. I laid down the basics of
this approach in a textbook (1980) and a series of lecture notes
(1993-1996). Co-workers of mine took this activity over and offer
this series of courses now both at the University of Linz and the
Polytechnik University of Hagenberg.