Bruno Buchberger

main contributions
refereed publications
books - journals
invited talks
contributed talks


Invited Talks at Conferences:

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Digitalisierung im ländlichen Raum: Was tun?. Bruno Buchberger. Europaabgeordneter Hannes Heide, July 3, 2023. Invited talk at Digitalisierungstag, Bad Ischl. [bib]
Künstliche Intelligenz und Kreative Intelligenz. Bruno Buchberger. July 23, 2023. Invited talk at Sommerseminar der Deutschen Meditationsgesellschaft, Hotel Alpenblick, Kirchschlag bei Linz. [bib]
Logistik-Forschung am RISC und im Softwarepark Hagenberg. Bruno Buchberger. Campus One, Softwarepark Hagenberg, May 19, 2023. Invited talk at Tagung des Vereins Logistics Research Austria. [bib]
Proposal für einen International Bachelor Studiengang. Bruno Buchberger. Sept 22, 2023. Invited talk at Festveranstaltung "35 Jahre Software Engineering, FH Hagenberg". [bib]
Symbolic Computation in Software Science: My Personal View. Bruno Buchberger. RISC, September 8, 2021. Invited talk at SCSS 2021. [url] [bib]
Plenary Talk: Automated Mathematical Invention: Would Gröbner Need a PhD Student Today?. Buchberger. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, February, 21, 2019. Invited talk at Eurocast 2019 – 30 years 17th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory. [bib]
CICM, Calculemus, MKM, GMDL, ...: Some Thoughts About Past and Future. Buchberger. RISC, August 15, 2018. Invited talk at CICM 2018 (The 11th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics). [bib]
Keynote: Automated Mathematical Invention: Would Gröbner Need a PhD Student Today?. Buchberger. Oxford University, July 14, 2018. Invited talk at IJCAR (International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning), CADE (Computer-Aided Demonstration). [bib]
Keynote: Digitalization: Technological or Societal Transformation?. Buchberger. November 13, 2018. Invited talk at VA - Group IT Jahrestagung. [bib]
Keynote: Inside Insight: Artificial Intelligence and Automated Reasoning. Buchberger. March 20, 2018. Invited talk at Inside Summit: Artificial Intelligence, Wien. [bib]
Mathematics: Natural Intelligence". Buchberger. RISC, May 17, 2018. Invited talk at Symposium in Honor of Peter Paule's 60th Anniversary. [bib]
Mein Zukunftsbild zu Bildung und Forschung für OÖ. Bruno Buchberger. Rainbach im Mühlkreis, Austria, September 11, 2018. Invited talk at Think-Tank-Region 2018: Festival für regionale VordenkerInnen. [bib]
What is Austria?. Buchberger. Österreichische Nationalbank, Wien, April 27, 2018. Invited talk at Austria 2018 Centenary Symposium. [bib]
AAU Schwerpunkt Digitialisierung: Eine Chance?. Bruno Buchberger. Alpen-Adria Universität, Klagenfurt, Austria, June 28, 2017. Invited talk at workshop “Mind, Culture and Behavior in the Digital Age”. [bib]
Algorithms and Algorithmic Proving in Mathematica I. Bruno Buchberger. African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Douala, Kamerun, October 9, 2017. Invited talk at Workshop on Introduction to Computer Algebra and Applications, October 5-9, 2017. [bib]
Algorithms and Algorithmic Proving in Mathematica II. Bruno Buchberger. African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Douala, Kamerun, October 10, 2017. Invited talk at Workshop on Introduction to Computer Algebra and Applications, October 5-9, 2017. [bib]
An Overview on the Theorema Project (Automated Reasoning). Bruno Buchberger. Wien, Kurt Gödel Research Center for Mathematical Logic, Janurary 13, 2017. Invited talk at Computational Logic Day 2017. [bib]
Die Zukunft von Ingenieursbüros. Impulsreferat.. Bruno Buchberger. Organisiert von Wirtschaftskammer Oberösterreich, Kulturquartier, Linz, March 10, 2017. Invited talk at Workshop "Zukunftsgestaltung - Herausforderungen für Ingenieurbüros". [bib]
Gröbner Bases and Macaulay Matrices. Bruno Buchberger. West University, Timisoara, September 23, 2017. Invited talk at SYNASC 2017. [bib]
Teaching Math to Lady M. Bruno Buchberger. Wien, November 15, 2017. Invited talk at MACIS 2017 ( (7th International Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Sciences), Nov. 15-17, 2017. [bib]
Teaching Math to Lady M. Bruno Buchberger. Jerusalem College of Technology, Jerusalem, Israel, July 18, 2017. Invited talk at ACA 2017 (23rd Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra), July 17-21, 2017. [bib]
Tutorial Session 15: Algorithms and Algorithmic Proving in Mathematica II (Materials). Bruno Buchberger. African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Douala, Kamerun, October 10, 2017. Invited talk at Workshop on Introduction to Computer Algebra and Applications, October 5-9, 2017. [bib]
Tutorial Session 4: Algorithms and Algorithmic Proving in Mathematica I. Bruno Buchberger. African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Douala, Kamerun, October 9, 2017. Invited talk at Workshop on Introduction to Computer Algebra and Applications, October 5-9, 2017. [bib]
Was ist Universität? Gedanken zur akademischen Freiheit (Thoughts about Academic Freedom). Bruno Buchberger. Leopold Franzens Universität Innsbruck, May 12, 2017. [bib]
From Natural Language to Automated Reasoning. Bruno Buchberger. Porto, Portugal, September 5, 2016. Invited talk at DEXA 2016 (27th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications). [bib]
The GMDL and EuKIM Projects: Short Report on the Initiative. Bruno Buchberger. Tokyo, Ochanomizu University, March 28-31, 2016. Invited talk at Symbolic Computation and Software Science. [bib]
A New Algorithm for Gröbner Bases and a New Application. Bruno Buchberger. Mathematical Society of Japan, Osaka, July 6-10, 2015. Invited talk at Current Trends in Gröbner Bases. [bib]
From Mathemaitcs to Software Business. Bruno Buchberger. National Institute for Mathematical Sciences and Korean Mathematical Society, Seoul, October 22, 2015. Invited talk at Industrial Mathematics Forum. [bib]
Mathematics and Computer: The Story Only Starts.. Bruno Buchberger. October 24, 2015. Invited talk at Annual Meeting of the Korean Mathematical Society, Yonsei University, Seoul. [bib]
The Global Math Digital Library Initiative and Theorema. Bruno Buchberger. Sokhumi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia, March 19, 2015. Invited talk at 2015 Tbilisi International Conference on Computer Science and Applied Mathematics. [bib]
2014-03-20-A Innovative HR Management. B. Buchberger. March 20, 2014. Invited talk at LSZ Future of Work Congress, Stegersbach. [zip] [bib]
2014-08-05-A Soft Math / Math Soft. B. Buchberger. August 5-9, 2014. Invited talk at ICMS 2014 (4th International Congress on Mathematical Software), Seoul, Korea. [zip] [bib]
2014-09-04-A Software: From Basic Research to Start-ups. B. Buchberger. September 4, 2014. Invited talk at ASQT 2014, Klagenfurt, Austria. [zip] [bib]
2014-07-02-A The Future of Mathematics: A Personal View and Comments on Math Education. B. Buchberger. July 2, 2014. Invited talk at TIME 2014, Krems, Austria. [zip] [bib]
2014-07-17-A The Theorema Approach to Mathematics. B. Buchberger. July 17, 2014. Invited talk at PAS 2014, Vienna, Austria. [zip] [bib]
+ . x (Essentials of Groebner bases). B. Buchberger. Doctorate College "Scientific Computing", RISC, Johannes Kepler University, Campus Hagenberg, Austria, September 3-6, 2013. Invited talk at International Workshop on Gröbner Bases. [bib]
2013-02-11-A Artificial Un-intelligence by Natural Intelligence: Case Study Mathematical Algorithm Synthesis. B. Buchberger. Innsbruck, Austria, February 11-13, 2013. Invited talk at AIA 2013 (IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications). [bib]
2013-03-04-B Gröbner Bases Theory and Applications: An Introduction. B. Buchberger. Khemarak University, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, March 4-6, 2013. Invited talk at The 2nd International Conference on Mathematics and Technology in Mathematics Education. [bib]
IT-Research, IT–Education: Purists and Populists. B. Buchberger. University of Applied Sciences, Hagenberg, Austria, June 12-13, 2013. Invited talk at International IT Conference. [bib]
2013-04-13-A IT-Science Based Economy: Case Study JKU Softwarepark in Austria. B. Buchberger. Islamic University of Gaza, April 13-17, 2013. Invited talk at PICICT 2013 (Palestinian International Conference on Information and Communication Technology). [bib]
Mathematics of 21st Century: A Personal View. B. Buchberger. RISC, Johannes Kepler University, Campus Hagenberg, Austria, July 5-6, 2013. Invited talk at Conference on Symbolic Computation for Software Science (SCSS 2013). [bib]
2013-03-04-A The Role of Mathematical Thinking for 21st Century Society. B. Buchberger. Khemarak University, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, March 4-6, 2013. Invited talk at The 2nd International Conference on Mathematics and Technology in Mathematics Education. [bib]
2013-03-04-C The White-Box / Black-Box Principle for Teaching Math Using "Technology". B. Buchberger. Khemarak University, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, March 4-6, 2013. Invited talk at The 2nd International Conference on Mathematics and Technology in Mathematics Education. [bib]
2012-12-16-A Can Mathematical Invention be Automated?. B. Buchberger. Bangkok, Thailand, December 16, 2012. Invited talk at ATCM 2012 (Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics). [bib]
2012-07-10-A Mate is Meta. B. Buchberger. RISC, Johannes Kepler University, Castle of Hagenberg, July 10, 2012. Invited talk at School on Integration, Summation, and Special Functions in Quantum Field Theory. [bib]
2012-07-12-A Mathematics is Blind. B. Buchberger. Johannes Kepler University, Institute FAW, July 12, 2012. Invited talk at International Conference on "Computers Helping People". [bib]
2012-01-27-A Symbolic Computation at RISC. B. Buchberger. Institute AIST, Tokyo, January 27, 2012. Invited talk at International Conference on 10 Years of CBRC (Computational Biology Research Center). [bib]
2011-07-14-A New Math Methods: Symbolic Computation. B. Buchberger. Research Institute for Symbolic Computation, Hagenberg, Austria, July 14, 2011. Invited talk at Internatinal Conference on "Software Applications in Tunnel Engineering". [bib]
2010-07-23-A Algorithm Synthesis by Lazy Thinking: Case Study Groebner Bases. B. Buchberger. RISC, Hagenberg, Austria, July 23-25, 2010. Invited talk at LOPSTR 2010 (20th International Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation). [bib]
2010-06-29-A Can Invention in Mathematics (Computer Science) be Automated ?. B. Buchberger. Bolyai Institute, Szeged, Hungary, June 29, 2010. Invited talk at PhD Presentation Conference. [nb] [bib]
2010-11-05-A From Euclid to Mayr. B. Buchberger. Technical University of Munich, Germany, November 5, 2010. Invited talk at Laudatio at the Academic Ceremony on the Occasion of E. W. Mayr's 60th Birthday. [bib]
2010-10-15-A Guenther Haring: Ein Leben fuer die oesterreichische Mathematik. B. Buchberger. University of Vienna, October 15, 2010. Invited talk at Workshop at the Occasion of Professor G. Haring's Retirement. [bib]
2010-08-30-A How Can Algorithms be Invented Automatically?. B. Buchberger. Graz, Austria, August 30 - September 1, 2010. Invited talk at AEIECS (Conference of the Academia Europaea, Sections Informatics and Earth and Cosmic Science). [bib]
2009-05-11-A A New Symbolic Method for Linear Boundary Value Problems Using Groebner Bases. B. Buchberger. Beijing, May 11, 2009. Invited talk at Conference on the Occasion of Professor Wu's 90th Birthday. [bib]
2009-06-12-A How to Replace Senior Mathematicians by Machines. B. Buchberger. University of Barcelona, Mathematical Institute, June 12, 2009. Invited talk at Conference on the Occasion of Professor Lorenzo Robbiano's 65th Birthday. [bib]
2009-06-29-A Lazy Thinking: An Approach to Systematic Mathematical Theory Exploration. B. Buchberger. RISC, Johannes Kepler University, Hagenberg, Austria, June 29, 2009. Invited talk at Conference AUTOMATHEO. [bib]
2009-07-12-A Mathematical Invention: How Much Can be Automated?. B. Buchberger. RISC, Johannes Kepler University, Hagenberg, Austria, July 12, 2009. Invited talk at Conference CADGME 2009 (Computer Algebra and Dynamic Geometry in Mathematical Education). [bib]
2009-06-15-A Stephen Wolfram: A New Kind of Scientist. B. Buchberger. Technical University, Munich, Germany, June 15, 2009. Invited talk at Laudatio for Stephen Wolfram at the Occasion of Obtaining the F.L. Bauer Award. [bib]
2009-09-10-A Symbolic Computation: Automation on the Object and the Meta Level. B. Buchberger. Upper Austrian University of Applied Sciences, Linz, September 10, 2009. Invited talk at IEEE Conference LINDI 09 (Logostic und Industriell Informatics). [bib]
2009-06-17-A The Spiral of Automation. B. Buchberger. Vienna, Austria, June 17, 2009. Invited talk at Conference 40 Years of Austrian Society of Data Processing. [bib]
2008-07-27-A Automated Algorithm Synthesis in Theorema.. B. Buchberger. RISC, Johannes Kepler University, Hagenberg, July 27-30, 2008. Invited talk at Conferences ACA (Applied Computer Algebra) 2008, Workshop Symbolic Computation and Deduction in System Design and Verification. [bib]
2008-04-18-A Automated Algorithm Synthesis: Implementation in Theorema. B. Buchberger. Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto, April 18-19, 2008. Invited talk at Austria-Japan Workshop on Symbolic Computation and Software Verification. [bib]
2008-03-30-A Functors in Theorema. B. Buchberger. Budapest, Hungary, March 30, 2008. Invited talk at ACCAT (Workshop Applied and Computational Category Theory) at ETAPS (European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software). [bib]
2008-04-28-A Groebner Bases in Theorema Using Functors. B. Buchberger. Beihang University, Beijing, China, April 28-30, 2008. Invited talk at Conference on Symbolic Computation and Cryptography. [bib]
2007-06-06-A Algorithm Synthesis by Lazy Thinking. B. Buchberger. Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, June 6-8, 2007. Invited talk at Conference on Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Techniques. [bib]
2007-06-19-A Algorithm Synthesis by Lazy Thinking. B. Buchberger. University of Pecs, Hungary, June 19-23, 2007. Invited talk at CADGME (Computer Algebra and Dynamic Geometry in Math Education). [bib]
2007-04-30-A Introduction to Groebner Bases. B. Buchberger. Samos, Greece, April 30 - May 4, 2007. Invited talk at Workshop on Emerging Topics in Cryptographic Design and Cryptoanalysis. [bib]
2007-03-31-A The Role of Proving and Programming for Math Education. B. Buchberger. Sultan Qabos University, Oman, March 31-April 2, 2007. Invited talk at Conference on Learning Technologies and Mathematics. [bib]
2006-03-06-A Automated Synthesis of a Gröbner Bases Algorithm. B. Buchberger. RICAM - RISC, Linz, Austria, March 6, 2006. Talk at Workshop "Formal Gröbner Bases Theory". [pdf] [bib]
2006-06-26-A Formal Mathematics: A Key to the Future. B. Buchberger. June 26-30, 2006. Invited talk at "Engineering and Life Sciences", Avignon, France. [nb] [pdf] [bib]
2006-08-17-A Mathematical Theory Exploration. B. Buchberger. August 17-20, 2006. Invited talk at IJCAR, Seattle, USA. [nb] [pdf] [bib]
2006-09-26-A Mathematical Theory Exploration: Case Study Groebner Bases. B. Buchberger. September 26-29, 2006. Invited talk at SYNASC 2006, Timisoara. [pdf] [nb] [bib]
2006-01-09-A Symbolic Computation: Self-Application of Algorithmic Mathematics. B. Buchberger. Castro-Urdiales, Spain, January, 9, 2006. Invited talk at MAP 2006 (Mathematics, Algorithms, Proofs). [nb] [pdf] [bib]
2006-04-24-A Symbolic Computation: Some Thoughts about the Future. B. Buchberger. April 24-28, 2006. Invited talk at LL2006 (Loops and Legs in Quantum Physics), Eisenach, Germany. [nb] [pdf] [bib]
2006-03-06-B The Objectives of Formal Mathematics and the Workshop on Formal Gr�bner Bases Theory. B. Buchberger. RICAM, RISC, March 6, 2006. Invited talk at Workshop "Formal Gr�bner Bases Theory". [nb] [pdf] [bib]
2005-07-09-A A Historic Introduction to Gröbner Bases. B. Buchberger. IASBS (Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences), Zanjan, Iran, July, 7, 2005. Invited talk at School on Gröbner Bases and Applications. [pdf] [nb] [bib]
2005-07-25-A A View on the Future of Symbolic Computation. Bruno Buchberger. July 25-27, 2005. Invited talk at ISSAC 2005 (International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation), Bejing. [bib]
2005-05-16-B Algorithmic Algorithm Invention in the Theorema Project. Bruno Buchberger. University of Vaasa, Finland, May 16-18, 2005. Invited talk at Conference on Algorithms and Information Theory. [bib]
2005-05-17-B Algorithmic Algorithm Invention in the Theorema Project. B. Buchberger. May, 17, 2005. Invited talk at AIT (Algorithmic Information Theory), Vaasa, Finland. [nb] [pdf] [bib]
2005-03-12-A Algorithmic Algorithm Synthesis: Case Study Gröbner Bases. B. Buchberger. March 12, 2005. Invited talk at University of Ohio, Ashland, USA. [nb] [pdf] [bib]
2005-03-03-A Das Projekt "Austrian IT-Park in Timisoara" (Westrum�nien). B. Buchberger. March, 3, 2005. Invited talk at CATT, Linz. [ppt] [bib]
2005-08-03-A Formal Mathematical Theory Exploration in Theorema. B. Buchberger. University of Munich, August, 3-6, 2005. Invited talk at Summer School on Theoretical Computer Science, Marktoberdorf. [zip] [bib]
2005-07-09-B From Gröbner Bases to Automated Theorem Proving and Back. B. Buchberger. IASBS (Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences) , Zanjan, Iran, July, 10, 2005. Invited talk at School on Gröbner Bases and Applications. [pdf] [nb] [bib]
2005-05-16-A Introduction to Gröbner Bases. Bruno Buchberger. University of Vaasa, Finland, May 16-18, 2005. Invited talk at Introduction to Gröbner Bases. [pdf] [nb] [bib]
2005-09-26-A Lazy Thinking: A New Method for Algorithm Synthesis. B. Buchberger. September, 25, 2005. Invited talk at Algebraic and Numerical Algorithms and Computer-assisted Proofs, Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, Germany. [nb] [pdf] [bib]
2005-05-12-A Mathematik: Die Kunst des effektiven Handelns. B. Buchberger. May 12, 2005. Invited talk at MathSpace, Wien. [nb] [pdf] [bib]
2005-05-22-A Symbolic Computation: Current Trends. B. Buchberger. Research Institute DESY, Zeuthen (Berlin), Germany, May 26, 2005. Invited talk at ACAT05 (Algorithmic Information Theory). [pdf] [nb] [bib]
2005-03-15-A Theorema: A System for Formal Mathematics. B. Buchberger. March 15, 2005. Invited talk at North Carolina State University, Dept of Computer Science. [pdf] [nb] [bib]
2004-09-03-A A Formal Knowledge Base for Groebner Bases Theory. B. Buchberger. September 1-4, 2004. Invited talk at Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (JSSAC), Atsugi, Japan. [nb] [bib]
2004-11-24-A Algorithmic Invention of Algorithms: Case Study Groebner Bases. B. Buchberger. November 24-26, 2004. Invited talk at Symposium Polynomial Systems Solving, University Paris VI. [bib]
2004-01-26-A Computer-Supported Mathematical Theory Exploration: A Shift of Paradigm in Mathematical Software. B. Buchberger. January 26-28, 2004. Invited talk at Mathematica Gulf Conference 2004, Sultan Qaboos University, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, organized by M. Rakha and M. Ben Rouma. [nb] [bib]
2004-04-30-A How I Managed to Automate Myself. B. Buchberger. April 30, 2004. Invited talk at Conference "The Future of Scientific Computing", The City College of New York. (Organizer: G. Baumslag). [bib]
2004-11-01-A Proving by First and Intermediate Principles. B. Buchberger. November 1-2, 2004. Invited talk at Workshop on Types for "Mathematics / Libraries of Formal Mathematics", University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands. [pdf] [bib]
2004-05-25-A The Algorithmic Invention of a Groebner Basis Algorithm. B. Buchberger. May 25-26, 2004. Invited talk at Computer Algebra Workshop at Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dedicated to the Memory of G. Mescsheriakov), Dubna (Moscow), organized by V. Gerdt. [pdf] [nb] [ps] [bib]
2004-10-21-A The Theorema Project: An Overview. B. Buchberger. October 21, 2004. Invited talk at Workshop "Verification and Rewriting", Institute AIST, Amagasaki. [bib]
2004-04-20-A Was Sie nie ueber IT wissen wollten (What You Never Wanted to Know About IT). B. Buchberger. April 20, 2004. Invited talk at ITCOM 2004 Conference, Schloss Hagenberg, Austria, (Organizer: Bruno Bischinger). [bib]
2003-10-01-B Algorithm Invention and Verification by Lazy Thinking. B. Buchberger. October 1-4, 2003. Invited talk at Proceedings of SYNASC 2003, 5th International Workshop on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing Timisoara, Romania, Mirton Publisher, pp. 2-26, ISBN: 973-661-104-3. [nb] [bib]
2003-02-24-A Automated Proving, Solving, Computing: A Key to the Information Age. B. Buchberger. February 24, 2003. Invited talk at Presentation Day of the Computer Science Department of the University of Tsukuba, Japan. [nb] [bib]
2003-08-25-A Computational Mathematics, Computational Logic and Symbolic Computation. B. Buchberger. August 25-30, 2003. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 2803, pp. 98-99, ISSN 0302-9743. Invited talk at Computer Science Logic – Proceedings of 17th International Workshop CSL 2003, 12th Annual Conference of the EACSL, 8th Kurt Gödel Colloqium, KGC 2003, Vienna, Austria. [nb] [bib]
2003-05-09-A Humanistische Bildung versus Learning on Demand (Humanistic Education versus Learning on Demand). B. Buchberger. May 9, 2003. Invited talk at Conference eSchola 2003, Padaegogische Akademie, Linz, Austria. [ppt] [bib]
2003-09-22-B Mathematik an Fachhochschulen: Fachliche und didaktische Ueberlegungen (Mathematics at Polytechnical Universities - Considerations on Contents and Didactics). B. Buchberger. September 22-26, 2003. Invited talk at 8th Meeting of the OMG (Austrian Mathematical Society), Bozen, Italy, Special Workshop on "Mathematik an Fachhochschulen", (Proceedings pp. 68-70). [ppt] [bib]
2003-09-22-A Mathematik und Informatik: Eine Liebeserklaerung (Mathematics and Computer Science: A Declaration of Love). B. Buchberger. September 22-26, 2003. Invited talk at 8th Meeting of the OMG (Austrian Mathematical Society), Bozen, Italy, (Proceedings: p. 67-68). [Example-Algorithm-Synthesis.nb] [Example-Analysis-Proving.nb] [Example-Geo-Proving.nb] [ppt] [bib]
2003-03-05-A Systematic Theory Exploration: The Lazy Thinking Paradigm. B. Buchberger. March 5, 2003. Invited talk at Workshop on Computer Algebra, Research Institute of Mathematical Science, Kyoto, Japan. [nb] [bib]
2003-12-10-A The White-Box and Black-Box Usage of Mathematical Software Systems. B. Buchberger. December 10-11, 2003. Invited talk at Symposium Mathematics and New Technologies: What do Learn, How to Teach?, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Fondacion Ramon Areces. [ppt] [RISC-Research.nb] [pdf] [bib]
2003-07-07-A Verified Algorithm Development by Lazy Thinking. B. Buchberger. July 7-11, 2003. Invited talk at International Mathematica Symposium 2003, Imperial College, London. [nb] [bib]
2002-09-06-A Automated Proofs of Automated Geometry Provers. B. Buchberger. September 5-7, 2002. Invited talk at Forth International Workshop on Automated Deduction in Geometry, RISC, Schloss Hagenberg, Austria. [nb] [bib]
2002-02-17-A Focus Windows: A New Technique for Proof Presentation. B. Buchberger. February 17-18, 2002. Invited talk at 2nd Workshop on Proving, Solving, Computing, Tokyo, organized by the SCORE Group, University of Tsukuba, Japan. [pdf] [abstract] [ps] [nb] [bib]
2002-07-10-A Teaching Without Teachers?. B. Buchberger. July 10-13, 2002. Invited talk at VISIT-ME (Vienna International Symposium on Information Technology in Math Education), University of Vienna, [ps] [talk.ppt] [pdf] [bib]
2002-08-01-A Theorema and Mathematical Knowledge Management. B. Buchberger. July 22 - August 2, 2002. Invited talk at IMA 2002 Summer Program: Special Functions in the Digital Age, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA. [ps] [pdf] [abstract] [nb] [bib]
2002-09-11-A Theorema: A Formal Frame for Mathematics. B. Buchberger. September 9-11, 2002. Invited talk at EACA - 2002, Octavo Encuentro de Algebra Computational y Applicaciones, Penaranda de Duero, Universidad de Vallodolid, pp. 11-32. [bib]
2001-06-15-A Groebner Bases and Theorema. B. Buchberger. June 14-17, 2001. Invited talk at AAA 62 - Workshop on General Algebra, Johannes Kepler University, Mathematical Institute, Linz, Austria. [bib]
2001-02-19-A Groebner Bases: A Short Introduction for Systems Theorists. B. Buchberger. February 19-23, 2001. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2178, 2201. ISSN 0302-9743, ISBN 3-540-42959-X). Invited talk at EUROCAST 2001 (8th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory - Formal Methods and Tools for Computer Science), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. [abstract] [pdf] [bib]
2001-10-02-A Groebner Rings and Modules. B. Buchberger. 2-5 October, 2001. Invited talk at 3rd International Workshop on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, (Proceedings of SYNASC 2001, pp.22-25, RISC-Linz Report Series No. 01-20). [abstract] [pdf] [ps] [bib]
2001-06-25-A Logicographic Symbols: A New Feature in Theorema. B. Buchberger. June 25-27, 2001. Invited talk at Symbolic Computation - New Horizons, (Proc. of the 4th International Mathematica Symposium, Tokyo Denki University, Chiba New Town Campus, Japan, Y. Tazawa ed., pp. 23-30). [pdf] [abstract] [ps] [bib]
2001-10-16-A Mathematik: Im Auge des Hurrikans. Konsequenzen wissenschaftlicher Revolutionen fuer die Politik. (Mathematics: In the Eye of the Hurrican. Implications for the Austrian Research Policy.). B. Buchberger. October 27, 2001. Invited talk at Wissenschaftstag der oesterreichischen Forschungsgemeinschaft, Semmering, Austria. [bib]
2001-01-25-A Schichten in der Automatisierung der Mathematik (Layers in the Automation of Mathematics). B. Buchberger. Technical University Vienna, Institut fuer Simulation, January 25, 2001. Invited talk at Workshop "Symbolic Computation". [bib]
2001-01-31-A THEOREMA: Automated Theorem Proving for the Practice. B. Buchberger. Jan. 28 - Feb. 3, 2001. Invited talk at 5th International Conference on Applied Informatics, Eger, Hungary. [bib]
2001-09-27-A Theorema: Extending Mathematica by Automated Proving. B. Buchberger. September 27-28, 2001. (Electronic proceedings edited by D. Bosanac, D. Ungar, pp. 10-11, ISBN 953-6076-71-3). Invited talk at PrimMath 2001 (The Programming System Mathematica in Science, Technology and Teaching), University of Zagreb, Electrotechnical and Computer Science Faculty. [ps] [abstract] [pdf] [nb] [bib]
2001-06-28-A THEOREMA: Proving, Solving, Computing. B. Buchberger. June 28, 2001. Invited talk at Conference in Honor of Professor Shigeru Igarashi, Tsukuba, Japan. [bib]
2000-12-07-A Computer und Mathematik (Computers and Mathematics). B. Buchberger. December 7, 2000. Invited talk at Mathematics Education School, Seidel Stiftung, Munich. [bib]
2000-09-17-A Computer-unterstuetztes mathematische Beweisen: Theorie oder Praxis? (Computer-Supported Mathematical Proving: Theory or Practice?). B. Buchberger. September 17-22, 2000. Invited talk at Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung, Dresden, Germany. [bib]
2000-06-13-A e-Lesen, e-Rechnen, e-Schreiben: Neue Kulturtechniken? (e-Reading, e-Calculating, e-Writing: New Basic Cultural Techniques?). B. Buchberger. July 13, 2000. Invited talk at Tagung "Neue Technologien und Zukunft", Stift Reichersberg. [bib]
2000-12-06-A IT-Forschung in Oesterreich: Der Weg nach vorn ... (IT Research in Austria). B. Buchberger. December 6, 2000. Invited talk at AT Event, Vienna. [bib]
2000-10-04-D Mathematics and Computer Science: A Personal View. B. Buchberger. October 4-6, 2000. Invited talk at Second International Workshop on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computation (SYNASC 2000), University of the West Timisoara, Romania, (in Proceedings pp. 109-116). [bib]
2000-03-00-A Mathematik am Computer: Die naechste Ueberforderung? (Mathematics on the Computer: The Next Overtaxation?). B. Buchberger. March, 2000. Invited talk at Didaktik-Reihe der Oesterreichischen Mathematischen Gesellschaft (Proceedings of a Symposium for High-school Teachers, September 24, 1999, Graz, Austria, Vol.131, pp. 37-56). [bib]
2000-07-13-A The Impact of New Technologies on Mathematical Research. B. Buchberger. July 10-14, 2000. Invited talk at 3rd European Congress of Mathematics (3ecm), Institut d'Estadistica de Catalunya, Panel on New Technologies in Mathematics, Barcelona. [bib]
2000-09-25-A The Theorema Project: Logic and Algebra. B. Buchberger. September 25-26, 2000. Invited talk at Workshop on Computer Algebra and Representation Theory, Bielefeld, Germany. [bib]
2000-09-26-A The Vertical Layers in Mathematics. B. Buchberger. September 25-26, 2000. Invited talk at Workshop on Computer Algebra and Representation Theory, Bielefeld, Germany. [bib]
2000-06-26-B Theorem Proving For and With Groebner Bases Theory. B. Buchberger. June 27-30, 2000. Invited talk at 2nd International Workshop on Multidimensional (nD) Systems, Csocha Castle, Lower Silesia, Poland, (in Proceedings pp. 15-22, K. Galkowski ed.). [bib]
2000-11-01-B Theorema: Computer-Asssisted Proving. B. Buchberger. November 1-3, 2000. Invited talk at Academy Colloquium on Constructive Algebra and Systems Theory, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie von Wetenschappen, (2 pages in Proceedings). [bib]
2000-10-04-C Theory Exploration with Theorema. B. Buchberger. October 4-6, 2000. Invited talk at Second International Workshop on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computation (SYNASC 2000), University of the West Timisoara, Romania, (in Proceedings pp. 1-16). [bib]
1999-12-13-A Computer-Mathematik in der Schule (Computer-Mathematics in High School). B. Buchberger. December 13, 1999. Invited talk at Teacher Training Seminar of the Upper Austrian Pedagogic Institute, RISC, Hagenberg. [bib]
1999-05-28-A Groebner Bases: The First Years. B. Buchberger. May 28, 1999. Invited talk at Colloqium at the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary of W. Groebner, University of Innsbruck, Austria. [bib]
1999-12-18-A Mathematics: The Technology of Reasoning. B. Buchberger. December 18-20, 1999. Invited talk at 4th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics, Guangzhou, China. [bib]
1999-12-00-E Mathematik am Computer: Die naechste Ueberforderung? (Mathematics on the Computer: The Next Overtaxation?). B. Buchberger. September 24, 1999. Invited talk at Annual Conference of the Austrian Mathematical Society, Graz, Austria, (Available as SFB Report No. 99-39, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Spezialforschungsbereich F013, December, 1999, 16 pages). [bib]
1999-09-02-A Staerken und Grenzen des mathematischen Modellierens (Potential and Limitation of Mathematical Modeling). B. Buchberger. September, 1999. Invited talk at Summer Academy Pro Scientia on "Model and Reality", Tainach, Austria. [bib]
1999-10-23-A The Theorema Project: Current State. B. Buchberger. October 23, 1999. Invited talk at Mathematica Developers' Conference, Wolfram Research International, Urbana-Champaign. [bib]
1999-06-03-A Theorema: A New Kind of Mathematical System. B. Buchberger. June 3, 1999. Invited talk at COCOA Conference in Torino, Italy. [bib]
1999-12-16-A Theorema: A System for Supporting Mathematical Proving. B. Buchberger. December 16, 1999. Invited talk at Workshop of the Japanese Consortium on Formal Methods, Nagoya, Japan. [bib]
1999-00-00-B Theory Exploration Versus Theorem Proving. B. Buchberger. July 11-12, 1999. Invited talk at Calculemus '99 Workshop, (Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 23/3, Elsevier). [bib]
1999-09-24-B Views on the Future of Computer Science. B. Buchberger. September 24, 1999. Invited talk at Workshop of the Japanese Consortium on Formal Methods, Nagoya, Japan. [bib]
1998-04-00-A Can Computers Replace Mathematicians?. B. Buchberger. April, 1998. Invited talk at Symposium "Symbolic Computation", Technical University Wien, Austria. [bib]
1998-08-09-A Computer Support for Inventing Groebner Bases Theory. B. Buchberger. August 10, 1998. Invited talk at IMACS Conference on Applied Computer Algebra, Prague, Czech Republic. [bib]
1998-06-18-A Groebner Bases: An Introduction. B. Buchberger. June 18, 1998. Invited talk at Annual Meeting of the Mathematics Department of the University of Wales, Gregynod, UK. [bib]
1998-08-08-A The Theorema System. B. Buchberger, T. Jebelean. August, 1998. Invited talk at MFCS'98 (International Conference on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science), Brno, Czech Republic. [bib]
1998-06-19-A Theorema: Computer-Assisted Mathematical Proving. B. Buchberger. June 19, 1998. Invited talk at Annual Meeting of the Mathematics Department of the University of Wales, Gregynod, UK. [bib]
1998-06-00-A Theorema: Theorem Proving for the Masses Using Mathematica. B. Buchberger. June 20, 1998. Invited talk at Worldwide Mathematica Conference, Chicago, USA, (Available as SFB Report No. 98-04, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Spezialforschungsbereich F013, June, 1998, 27 pages.). [bib]
1997-06-04-A Computer Algebra and Theorem Proving. B. Buchberger. June 4, 1997. Invited talk at COCOA V Conference, Herstmonceux Castle, UK. [bib]
1997-05-13-A Computer Algebra Research: Two Examples. B. Buchberger. May 13, 1997. Invited talk at Symposium "Mathematical Physics - Today", Priority Technologies - for Tomorrow, University of Kiev, Ukrain. [bib]
1997-07-30-A Computing, Solving, Proving: A Survey on the Theorema Project. B. Buchberger. July 30, 1997. Invited talk at Workshop on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Conference Center Dagstuhl, Germany. [bib]
1997-03-06-A Cooperation Between Universities and Industry. B. Buchberger. March, 1997. Invited talk at International Tele-Conference of the Tsukuba Advanced Research Alliance, University of Tsukuba, Japan. [bib]
1997-00-00-D Introduction to Groebner Bases. B. Buchberger. July 25-August 6, 1997. Invited talk at NATO Advanced Study Institute on Logic of Computation, Marktoberdorf, Germany, (Logic of Computation, NATO ASI Series, Series F: Computer and Systems Sciences, Vol. 157, pp. 35-66). [bib]
1997-07-01-A Theorema: Using Mathematica for Doing Simple Mathematical Proofs. B. Buchberger. July 1, 1997. Invited talk at International Mathematica Symposium, Helsinki, Finnland. (Per Teleconferencing.). [bib]
1997-01-10-A Towards Integrating Theorem Proving and Computer Algebra. B. Buchberger. January 10, 1997. Invited talk at Conference in Honor of Prof. Tony Levelt, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands. [bib]
1996-04-00-A Future Directions in Symbolic Math Systems: Combining Algebra and Logic. B. Buchberger. April, 1996. Invited talk at Symposium of the Academia Europea, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [bib]
1996-08-13-A Integrating Theorem Proving into Computer Algebra Systems. B. Buchberger. August 13, 1996. Invited talk at Computer Algebra Conference at the Fujitsui Labs in Numazu, Japan. [bib]
1996-11-01-A Mathematica as a Rewrite Language. B. Buchberger. November 1-4, 1996. Invited talk at Functional and Logic Programming (Proceedings of the 2nd Fuji International Workshop on Functional and Logic Programming, pp. 1-13, World Scientific, Singapore), Shonan Village Center. [ps] [pdf] [abstract] [bib]
1996-09-06-A Proving, Solving and Computing. B. Buchberger. September 6, 1996. Invited talk at Multiparadigm Logic Programming Conference, Bonn, Germany. [bib]
1996-03-26-A Symbolic Computation: Computer Algebra and Logic. B. Buchberger. March 26-28, 1996. Invited talk at Frontiers of Combining Systems, Munich, (Proceedings of FROCOS 1996 -1st International Workshop on Frontiers of Combining Systems, Applied Logic Series, Vol.3, pp.193-220, Kluwer Academic Publisher). [ps] [pdf] [abstract] [bib]
1996-05-28-A The Future of Computer Algebra. B. Buchberger. May 28, 1996. Invited talk at Symposium at the Occasion of the Honoray Doctorate for George Collins, University of Tuebingen, Germany. [bib]
1996-11-02-A Using Mathematica for Doing Simple Mathematical Proofs. B. Buchberger. November 2, 1996. Invited talk at 4th Mathematica Users' Conference, Tokyo, (in Proceedings pp. 80-96, Wolfram Media Publishing). [bib]
1996-07-02-A Which Mathematics for Which Students?. B. Buchberger. July 2-6, 1996. Invited talk at Derive Conference, GMD, Birlinghoven / Bonn, Germany. [bib]
1995-06-00-A Groebner Bases: Theory and Applications. B. Buchberger. June, 1995. Invited talk at Summer School "Theory of Computation", Marktoberndorf, Germany. [bib]
1995-09-19-A New Math Systems Without Constraints. B. Buchberger. September 19-22, 1995. Invited talk at Constraint Programming Conference 95, Cassis, France. [bib]
1995-09-05-A Symbolic Computation Software Systems: The Current State of Technology. B. Buchberger. September 5-7, 1995. Invited talk at EUROSIM 95 Conference, Technical University, Vienna. [bib]
1994-04-00-A Symbolic Computation - Theory and Practice. B. Buchberger. April, 1994. Invited talk at Conference GAMM 94, Braunschweig, Germany. [bib]
1992-07-00-A A Survey on Groebner Bases. B. Buchberger. July, 1992. Invited talk at Conference ICALP 92, Vienna, Austria. [bib]
1992-09-00-B Teaching Math By Math Software: The White Box / Black Box Principle. B. Buchberger. September, 1992. Invited talk at Mathematica 92 Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. [bib]
1992-09-00-A Teaching Math By Math Software: The White Box / Black Box Principle. B. Buchberger. September, 1992. Invited talk at Conference ACDCA 92 (Austrian Center for Didactics of Computer Algebra), Krems, Austria. [bib]
1990-09-00-A Computer Algebra - Symbolic and Algebraic Computation. B. Buchberger. September, 1990. Invited talk at Mathematical Congress of the GDR Society, Dresden, Germany. [bib]
1990-03-05-A Determinant Polynomials and Groebner Bases. B. Buchberger. March 5-7, 1990. Invited talk at Symposium on "Symbolic Computation" on the Occasion of E. Engeler's 60th Birthday, ETH Zuerich, Switzerland. [bib]
1990-05-21-A Groebner Bases and Sylvester Matrices. B. Buchberger. May 21-25, 1990. Invited talk at Workshop on "Algorithms in Algebraic Geometry", DIMACS Research Center at Rutgers Universiy, N.J., USA. [bib]
1990-06-02-A Speeding Up Groebner Bases Computation by Parallel Determinant Computation. B. Buchberger. June 2, 1990. Invited talk at Symposium on the Occasion of Abhyankar's 60th Birthday, Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana, USA. [bib]
1990-06-19-A Symbolic Computation - Theory and Practice.. B. Buchberger. June 19-21, 1990. Invited talk at US Army Conference on "Applied Mathematics and Computer Science", Cornell University, NY, USA. [bib]
1989-03-00-A A Survey on Groebner Bases. B. Buchberger. March, 1989. Invited talk at Conference on Computer Aided Proofs in Analysis, University of Cincinnati, USA. [bib]
1988-06-00-A Algebraic Methods in Geometrical Reasoning. B. Buchberger. June, 1988. Invited talk at 4th ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, Urbana-Illinois, USA. [bib]
1988-07-00-A Generalized Sylvester Matrices and Gröbner Bases. B. Buchberger. July, 1988. Invited talk at Workshop on "Algorithms in Geometry and Algebra", Cornell University, USA. [bib]
1987-06-00-A A Tutorial on Groebner Bases. B. Buchberger. June, 1987. Invited talk at EUROCAL 87 (International Conference on Computer Algebra), Leipzig, Germany. [bib]
1987-03-00-A Applications of Groebner Bases in Non-Linear Computational Geometry. B. Buchberger. March 23-26, 1987. Invited talk at Workshop on Scientific Software, Minneapolis, USA, (IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications, Vol. 14, pp. 59-88, Springer - New York). [pdf] [pdf] [pdf] [bib]
1987-03-00-B Groebner Bases and Computational Geometry. B. Buchberger. March, 1987. Invited talk at Post-Doc Course "Scientific Computation", University of Minneapolis, USA. [bib]
1987-07-00-A Groebner Bases, An Algorithmic Algebraic Method for Non-Linear Geometry. B. Buchberger. July, 1987. Invited talk at SIAM Conference on Applied Geometry, Albany, USA. [bib]
1987-09-00-A Mathematics - the Future of Computer Science? Computer Science - the Future of Mathematics?. B. Buchberger. September, 1987. Invited talk at 4th Austrian Mathematical Meeting, Brixen, Italy. [bib]
1987-05-00-A Tutorial on Groebner Bases and Their Applications. B. Buchberger. May, 1987. Invited talk at IBM-School "Trends in Computer Algebra", Bad Neuenahr, Germany. [bib]
1986-00-00-C Applications of Groebner Bases for Geometrical Reasoning. B. Buchberger.1986. Invited talk at Conference "Geometric Reasoning", Oxford, UK, 1986. [bib]
1985-00-00-C Hensel Codes for Exact Computation. B. Buchberger. July, 1985. Invited talk at Conference "Computer Algebra and Its Applications in Theoretical Physics", Dubna, Russia. [bib]
1985-05-00-A History and Basic Features of the Critical-Pair/Completion Approach. B. Buchberger. May, 1985. Invited talk at Conference on Rewrite Technique and Applications, Dijon, France, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 202, pp. 1-45, Springer). [bib]
1985-00-00-D Parallel Symbolic Computation Using the L-Machine. B. Buchberger.1985. Invited talk at Applied Algebra and Error Correcting Code Conference, Grenoble, France. [bib]
1985-00-00-E Survey on Critical-Pair/Completion Algorithms. B. Buchberger. May, 1985. Invited talk at Rewrite Technique and Applications Conference, Dijon, France. [bib]
1984-00-00-C A Survey on Computer Algebra. B. Buchberger. September, 1984. Invited talk at Workshop Computer Algebra, University of Leipzig, Germany. [bib]
1984-00-00-E A Survey on Groebner Bases. B. Buchberger.1984. Invited talk at Summer School on Algebraic Manipulation, Rome, Italy. [bib]
1984-00-00-A Solution of Algebraic Equations by Groebner Bases. B. Buchberger. August, 1984. Invited talk at Second International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, RIKEN, Tokyo, Japan. [bib]
1984-00-00-D The L-Machine for Parallel Inference. B. Buchberger. December, 1984. Invited talk at Fifth Generation and Supercomputer Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. [bib]
1984-12-00-A Towards a Connection Machine for Logical Inference. W. Bibel, B. Buchberger. December, 1984. Invited talk at Fifth Generation and Supercomputer Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, (appeared in Future Generation Computer Systems 1/3, pp.177-188). [pdf] [bib]
1983-00-00-B A New Approach to Math for Computer Science. B. Buchberger.1983. Invited talk at Conference "Mathematics in Computer Science", University of Udine, Italy. [bib]
1983-00-00-C A Survey on Groebner Bases. B. Buchberger.1983. Invited talk at 5th International Conference on Mathematical Methods for Solving Physical Problems, Dubna, Russia. [bib]
1983-00-00-A A Survey on Groebner Bases. B. Buchberger.1983. Invited talk at Conference "Algorithmique - Calcul Formelle - Arithmetique", Univ. de Saint-Etienne, France. [bib]
1983-10-03-B Groebner Bases: A Method in Symbolic Mathematics. B. Buchberger. October 3-8, 1983. Invited talk at "Les Journées de Saint-Etienne: Algorithmique, Calcul Formel, Arithmetique", Université de Saint-Etienne, (U.E.R de Sciences, pp. II.1-II.10, CAMP Punl.Nr. 83-24.0). [bib]
1983-10-26-A Matematica nei curricoli di Computer Science: USA, Germania, Austria (Mathematics in the Computer Science Curricula in the US, Germany, and Austria). B. Buchberger. October 26, 1983. Invited talk at Symposium "Le Matematiche nel Corso di Laurea in Scienze dell' Informazione", Institute of Mathematics, Computer Science and Systems, University of Udine. [bib]
1983-11-03-A Mathematik fuer Informatiker (Mathematics for Computer Scientists). B. Buchberger. November 2, 1983. Invited talk at Symphosium "Mathematics for Computer Scientists", Studienkommision fuer Hochschuldidaktik an den FHS in Baden-Wuertemberg. [bib]
1982-03-15-A Computer-unterstuetzter Algorithmenentwurf (Computer-Aided Algorithm Design). B. Buchberger. March 15-24, 1982. Invited talk at Fruehjahrsschule Kuenstliche Intelligenz, Teisendorf, (Informatik-Fachberichte, Vol. 59, pp. 141-202, Springer -Verlag Berlin). [pdf] [bib]
1982-05-15-A Groebner Bases: Results and Problems. B. Buchberger. May 15, 1982. Invited talk at 1st Delaware Computer Algebra Workshop, University of Delaware, Department of Computer and Information Sciences. [bib]
1982-10-00-A Mathematik fuer Informatik-Vordiplom (Mathematics for Computer Science Undergraduates). B. Buchberger. October, 1982. Invited talk at Workshop on "Mathemathics for Computer Science", organized by the Students' Union, University of Vienna, Austria. [bib]
1982-00-00-C Survey on Automatic Programming. B. Buchberger.1982. Invited talk at Spring School in Artificial Intelligence, Teisendorf, Germany. [bib]
1981-00-00-A A New Approach to Math for Computer Science. B. Buchberger.1981. Invited talk at GI Workshop on Mathematical Education for Computer Science, Bonn, Germany. [bib]
1981-05-11-A Ziele und Inhalte der Mathematik in der Informatikausbildung an Universitaeten (Goals and Contents of Mathematics in the Computer Science Education in Universities). B. Buchberger. May 11-12, 1981. Invited talk at Meeting of the Chapter 9/10 "Education" of the GI, Bad Honnef, Germany. [bib]
1980-10-00-A Mathematik fuer Informatik (Mathematics for Computer Science). B. Buchberger. October, 1980. Invited talk at Symposium on Mathematical Didactics, Institute of Mathematics, University of Kassel, Germany. [bib]
1979-06-26-A A Criterion for Detecting Unnecessary Reductions in the Construction of Groebner Bases. B. Buchberger. June 26-28, 1979. Invited talk at EUROSAM 79 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation, Marseille, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 72, pp. 3-21, Springer Berlin). [pdf] [bib]
1979-06-26-B Improved Algorithm for Groebner Bases for Polynomial Ideals. B. Buchberger. June 26-28, 1979. Invited talk at EUROSAM 79 (European Conference on Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation), Marseille, France. [bib]
1979-09-18-C Multi-Prozessor Systeme (Multi-processor Systems). B. Buchberger. September 18-20, 1979. Invited talk at Workshop on Cryptographical Methods, Institute of System Sciences, University of Linz, Austria. [bib]
1979-09-06-A Operationale Beschreibung von Lernzielen und problemorientierter Unterricht (Operational Description of Teaching Goals and Problem-Oriented Teaching). B. Buchberger. September 6-7, 1979. Invited talk at Symposium on Didactic Aspects of Mathematics, University of Linz, Austria. [bib]
1978-04-00-B Systems with Universal Subsystems: Realization and Application. B. Buchberger, B. Quatember. April, 1978. Invited talk at Fourth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, Linz, Austria, (Progress in Cybernetics and Systems Research, Vol. VII, pp. 25-32, Hemisphere Publ. Corp.). [pdf] [bib]
1972-08-00-A Certain Decompositions of Goedel Numberings and the Semantics of Programming Languages. B. Buchberger. August, 1972. Invited talk at Symposium on Theoretical Programming, Novosibirsk, Russia. [bib]