RISC Members    Listing / Gallery

Full Professors

Bruno Buchberger
Founding Director of RISC
Peter Paule
Director of RISC
Franz Winkler
Vice Director of RISC

All Members

position: [institute] [gmbh] [faculty] [postdoc] [phd student] [administration]
research topic: [all] [automated reasoning] [computer algebra and applications] [computer algebra for differential equations] [computer algebra for geometry] [formal methods] [rewriting-related techniques and applications] [symbolic methods in kinematics]

Name Position Phone 1 Phone 2 Mobile Office Working area
Buchberger Bruno, Prof. Dr.Dr.h.c.mult. (Founding Chairman 1987-1998)Faculty+43 664 42116462.4-1Symbolic Computation
Landsmann Guenter, Dr.Faculty+43 732 2468 9968+43 (0) 676 78361490.3-2Algebraic Geometry
Schicho Josef, A.Univ.-Prof. Dr.Faculty+43 732 2468 52312.6-1
Winkler Franz, Univ.-Prof. DI.Dr. (Chairman 1999-2009)Faculty+43 732 2468 99432.5-1Computer Algebra, Constructive Algebraic Geometry

Further phone numbers

RISC Software GmbH+43 7236 3343 234
Sysadmin+43 732 2468 9980
RISC-Lounge+43 732 2468 9954
UFO+43 732 2468 9923
Guest room castle, place 1+43 732 2468 9976
Guest room castle, place 2+43 732 2468 9932
Pond building, Vorstand (meeting room)+43 732 2468 9955
Pond building, guest room+43 732 2468 9953
Library+43 732 2468 9922
Entrance door castle+43 732 2468 9970
Entrance door opener castle9971 (from inside)
Entrance door pond+43 732 2468 9972
Machine Room+43 732 2468 9986
University office science park S20327-1+43 732 2468 6890
University office science park S20327-2+43 732 2468 6891
University office science park S20328.1+43 732 2468 6892
University office science park S20328.2+43 732 2468 6893
