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5 = [<7,2>] = {<5, 0>, <6, 1>, <7, 2>, <8, 3>, ...}
-6 = [<3,9>] = {<0, 6>, <1, 7>, <2, 8>, <3, 9>, ...}
5+(-6) = [<7,2>] + [<3,9>] = [<10, 11>] = [<0, 1>] = -1
5*(-6) = [<7,2>] * [<3,9>] = [<39, 69>] = [<0, 30>] = -30
5 <= -6 <=> [<7,2>] <= [<3,9>] <=> 16 <= 5 <=> F.

Author: Wolfgang Schreiner
Last Modification: January 12, 2000

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