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7.1.3 Another Construction of Number Domains

Integer Numbers  We have introduced in Section The Integer Numbers an integer as a pair <x, y> of natural numbers x and y such that their difference denotes the desired value. In order to determine this pair uniquely, either x or y has been chosen zero; we are now going to lift this artificial restriction by defining an integer as the class of all pairs with the same difference.

Definition 109 (Integer Numbers) 
x ~ Z y : <=> (x0 +N y1 = y0 +N x1)
Z:= (N x N)/ ~ Z
0 := [<0N, 0N>]; 1 := [<1N, 0N>]; 2 := [<2N, 0N>]
x := such a in N x N: x = [a]
x + y := [<x0+Ny0,x1+Ny1>]
- x := [<x1,x0>]
x - y := [<x0+Ny1,y0+Nx1>]
x * y := [<(x0*Ny0)+N(x1*Ny1), (x0*Ny1)+N(x1*Ny0)>]
x <= y : <=> x0+y1 <= N y0+x1

In above definition, [x] denotes [x] ~ Z. It is easy to see that ~ Z is an equivalence relation, therefore Z is a partition of N x N. The corresponding equivalence classes satisfy congruence properties similar to those of Proposition Congruence Properties such that the results of all operations are uniquely defined.

5 = [<7,2>] = {<5, 0>, <6, 1>, <7, 2>, <8, 3>, ...}
-6 = [<3,9>] = {<0, 6>, <1, 7>, <2, 8>, <3, 9>, ...}
5+(-6) = [<7,2>] + [<3,9>] = [<10, 11>] = [<0, 1>] = -1
5*(-6) = [<7,2>] * [<3,9>] = [<39, 69>] = [<0, 30>] = -30
5 <= -6 <=> [<7,2>] <= [<3,9>] <=> 16 <= 5 <=> F.

The new construction is isomorphic to the old one such that the properties of all operations are preserved.

Proposition 124 (Isomorphism of Integer Constructions) Let Z' denote the old construction of the integers and Z denote the new one. The function
i: Z' -> Z
i(x) := [x]
is an isomorphism with respect to 0, +, -, *, <, i.e., i is bijective and for all x in Z' and y in Z', we have:
i(0Z') = 0Z,
i(x+Z'y) = x+Zy,
i(-Z' x) = -Z x,
i(x-Z'y) = x-Zy,
i(x*Z'y) = x*Zy,
x <= Z' y <=> i(x) <= Z i(y).

It is easy to see that the inverse isomorphism is denoted by

j: Z -> Z'
j(x) := I(x)
where "I" denotes the constructor function on Z'.

Proof  Take arbitrary x in Z' and y in Z'. We prove
i(x+Z'y) = x+Zy.
We know
i(x+Z'y) = i(I(x0 +N y0, x1 +N y1)).
Case x0 +N y0 >= x1 +N y1:
We have
i(I(x0 +N y0, x1 +N y1)) =
i(<(x0 +N y0) - (x1 +N y1)>) =
[<(x0 +N y0) - (x1 +N y1)>] = (definition  ~ Z)
[<x0 +N y0, x1 +N y1>] =
x +Z y.
Case x0 +N y0 < x1 +N y1:
Proceeds analogously.

An implementation of this construction in the Logic Evaluator is shown below, see Appendix integer2.txt.

Rational Numbers  In Section The Rational Numbers, we have defined a rational as a pair <x, y> of integer numbers x and y such that their quotient denotes the desired value. In order to determine this pair uniquely, x and y have been chosen relatively prime with y being positive. We will now lift this restriction by defining a rational as the class of all pairs with the same quotient.

Definition 110 (Rational Numbers) 
x ~ Q y : <=> (x0 *Z y1 = y0 *Z x1)
Q:= (Z x Z != 0)/ ~ Q
0 := [<0Z, 1Z>]; 1 := [<1Z, 1Z>]; 2 := [<2Z, 1Z>];
x := such a in Z x Z: x = [a]
x + y := [<(x0 *Z y1) +Z (y0 *Z x1), x1 *Z y1>]
- x := [<-Z x0, x1>]
x - y := [<(x0 *Z y1) -Z (y0 *Z x1), x1 *Z y1>]
x * y := [<x0 *Z y0, x1 *Z y1>]
x-1 := [<x1, x0>]
x/y := [<x0 *Z y1, y0 *Z x1>]
x <= y : <=> x0 *Z y1 <= Z y0 *Z x1

It is easy to see that ~ Q is an equivalence relation on Z x Z != 0 where Z != 0 := {x in Z: x != 0}; we have a corresponding partition that also satisfies the necessary congruence properties such that the results of all operations are uniquely defined.

4/6 = [<4, 6>] = {<2, 3>, <-2, -3>, <4, 6>, <-4, -6>, <6, 9>, ...}
-2/5 = -[<2, 5>] = [<-2, 5>]
= {<2, -5>, <-2, 5>, <4, -10>, <-4, 10>, <6, -15>, ...}
4/6 + (-2/5) = [<4, 6>] + [<-2, 5>] = [<8, 30>] = [<4, 15>] = 4/15
4/6 * (-2/5) = [<4, 6>] * [<-2, 5>] = [<-8, 30>] = [<-4, 15>] = -4/15

Again the new construction is isomorphic to the old one such that the properties of all operations are preserved.

Proposition 126 (Isomorphism of Rational Constructions) Let Q' denote the old construction of the integers and Q denote the new one. The function
i: Q' -> Q
i(x) := [x]
is an isomorphism with respect to 0, +, -, *, ', <, i.e., i is bijective and for all x in Q' and y in Q', we have:
i(0Q') = 0Q,
i(x+Q'y) = x+Qy,
i(-Q' x) = -Q x,
i(x-Q'y) = x-Qy,
i(x*Q'y) = x*Qy,
i(x-1) = x-1,
i(x/Q'y) = x/Qy,
x <= Q' y <=> i(x) <= Q i(y).

It is easy to see that the inverse isomorphism is denoted by

j: Q -> Q'
j(x) := x0/x1
where */* denotes the constructor function on Q'.

An implementation of this construction in the Logic Evaluator is shown below, see Appendix rational2.txt.

Real Numbers  While in Section The Real Numbers the real numbers have been only axiomatically characterized, also a direct construction is possible. The square of no rational number yields 2, but can define an infinite sequence of rationals that approaches such a number arbitrarily closely. The basic idea is to partition the set of all "well-behaved" infinite sequences of rationals by an equivalence relation that is true for any two sequences that approach each other arbitrarily closely. Each such equivalence class denotes a real number with arithmetic being defined point-wise on the sequence.

For this construction, we first define the class of "well-behaved" sequences.

Definition 111 (Cauchy-Sequence) An infinite sequence over the reals is a  Cauchy-sequence (Cauchy-Folge), if its members approach each other arbitrarily closely:
f is Cauchy-sequence: <=>
   f: N -> Q /\ 
   forall epsilon in Q>0: exists N in N: forall m >= N, n >= N: |fm-fn| < epsilon .

In other words, for every epsilon , from a certain position N on, all members of a Cauchy-sequence stay in a "tunnel" of width epsilon :

The position of this tunnel determines a real number; two sequences define the same number if the difference of their corresponding members becomes arbitrarily small. We define this equivalence relation and the arithmetic operations as shown below.

Definition 112 (Real Numbers) 
f ~ R g : <=> forall epsilon in Q>0: exists N in N: forall n >= N: |fn - gn| < epsilon .
C := {f: N -> Q: f is Cauchy-sequence}
R:= C/ ~ R
0 := [such f in C: forall n in N: fn = 0Q]
1 := [such f in C: forall n in N: fn = 1Q]
2 := [such f in C: forall n in N: fn = 2Q]
x := such f in C: x = [f]
x + y := [[xn +Q yn]n]
- x := [[-Q xn]n]
x - y := [[xn -Q yn]n]
x * y := [[xn *Q yn]n]
x-1 := [[xn-1]n]
x / y := [[xn /Q yn]n]
x is positive : <=> exists epsilon in Q> 0, N in N: forall n >= N: x > epsilon
x <= y : <=> exists z in R: z is positive /\  x+z = y

We use the notation [T]n for the sequence f defined as f(n) := T (not to confuse with the notation [x] for the equivalence class of x). One can show that ~ R is an equivalence relation that satisfies the necessary congruence properties to determine unique result values for the functions defined above. Furthermore, one can show that the domain R defined in such a way satisfies the axioms stated in Section The Real Numbers, i.e., we have indeed the real numbers.

Complex Numbers  Also C can be defined along the lines demonstrated above. The intuition is to partition the set of all univariate polynomials (considered as equations with righthand side zero) by the equivalence relation that is true for two polynomials if their difference is divisible by x2+1 (the polynomial that defines the imaginary unit). We omit the details.

Author: Wolfgang Schreiner
Last Modification: October 4, 1999

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