Logic Programming and PROLOG

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The Course

This is an introduction to logic programming, specifically PROLOG. The introduction to PROLOG will follow the book of Clocksin and Mellish: Programming in Prolog (Main Library, SIG: HB-FH 96648-B 519.684). The remainder of the course will be on applications in AI and special topic talks on logic programming (such as CLP). There will be no final exam, but: Each student will be given an account on the RISC environment and all exercises will be done with SICSTUS PROLOG.

Some lectures will be devoted to theorem proving and the software system OTTER.

Outline of Course

The following gives a general overview of the the lectures given.

Introduction: Facts, Questions and Conjuctions

The begining of a tutorial introduction to the PROLOG language Chaper 1 (part 1)

Introduction: Rules, Syntax and Goals

Prolog rules are introduced though examples Chapter 1 (part 2)

A Closer Look

Chapter 2

Using Data Structures: Lists, Trees and Members

Chapter 3 (part 1)


Chapter 3 (part 2)

Recursion: Inventory Example

Chapter 3 (part 3)

Backtracking and the Cut

Chapter 4


Chapter 7

Grammar Rules

Chapter 9

Constraint Logic Programming




Automatic Theorem Proving: OTTER

Exercises (WS95)

With each lecture, an exercise covering the material discussed will be given. The project consists of several homework exercises that will be used together to form a larger project. Most assignments have additional handouts with the explicit data needed.
Maintained by: Edward S. Blurock
Last Modification: March 7, 1997

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