Discrete Algorithmic Geometry
Tuesdays, 10.00 - 12.00.
First lecture on October 8, 1996.
Room: K 009D
- Motivation and connection to other courses.
- Geometric Searching (point location, range search problems).
- Convex Hulls.
- Neighbourhood relationship (closest point problems, Voronoi Diagrams,
- Intersections (hidden-line/hidden-surface algorithms, intersection of polygons,
- Geometry of Rectangles.
- Arrangements of hyperplanes.
- Orientation of contours.
- Raytracing.
- Preparata/Shamos, `Computational Geometry'.
- Edelsbrunner, `Algorithms in Combinatorial Geometry'.
Maintained by: Carl Van Geem
Last Modification: March 7, 1997
[RISC-Linz] [University]