Computational Logics for AI (326.223, 326.224)

326.223: Lecture (VL), 326.224: Exercises (UE)


This course focuses on computational aspects of logic. The covered topics include techniques to represent knowledge and to reason in classical propositional and first-order logic, nonmonotonic logics, and description logics. We introduce their syntax and semantics, present inference systems, study the theory behind them, and discuss applications. Besides acquiring theoretical background, students will also get hands-on experience with some tools and systems.

Materials will appear in the course Moodle page. It should be consulted for organizational details as well.


Winter Semester 2023.

Number:326.223: lecture (VL), 326.224: exercises (UE)
Title:Computational Logics for AI
Lecturers:Temur Kutsia (VL) and Cleo Pau (UE)
Time and place for the lecture:Monday, 08:30-10:00, hybrid, room HS 19
Time and place for the exercises:Monday, 10:15-11:00, hybrid, room HS 19
First meeting:October 2
Registration:Via the KUSSS system
Grading:Final exam