Fixpoint Theory of Functional Programs |
Short Description
In this course we study the fixpoint
theory of programs, developed by D. Scott, and we consider the semantics of
programs defined as least fixpoints of recursive
operators. We then give a short introduction to the theory of Scott domains. After
that, we present the operational semantics and two versions of the denotational semantics for recursive programs. In that
context, we present the Scott induction rule for proving properties of
Winter Semester 2008.
Number: 326.00B
Title: Fixpoint
Theory of Functional Programs
Lecturer: Nikolaj Popov
Time: Tuesday
Place: K-223-B
Language: English
· First lecture: October 07
Please register for the course via the KUSSS system.
Computable, partial, total and recursive
functions. (Only introduction.)
Decidable and semidecidable
sets. The halting problem. (Only introduction.)
Compact, continuous, effective and recursive
operators. Knaster-Tarski, Myhill-Shepherdson
and Kleene theorems
Fixpoint induction.
Scott rule
Scott domains.
Syntax and operational semantics of recursive
Denotational semantics
of recursive programs. Call-by-value and call-by-name.
Equivalence of operational and denotational semantics.
Verification using fixpoint
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