Wintersemester 2008/2009
Prof. Franz Winkler
Dr. Günter Landsmann
Computeralgebra (326.017)

Time: Tue 15:30 - 18:00
Place: HS 11
First lecture: Tue 7.10.2008, HS 11
Klausur: Tue 27.1.2009
17:15 - 19:15, HS 9
no books / ohne Unterlagen
Klausurangaben: kl.pdf
Grades: final-grades.pdf
Achtung Korrektur!
Klausureinsicht: Montag, 2.3.2009, 16:00-17:00
Raum 417, Kopfgebäude TNF-Turm

A theoretical introduction into the area of computer algebra, especially the constructive solution of systems of polynomial equations, will be presented. Some of the main topics will be algorithms for basic algebraic domains (like integers, polynomials, finite fields, algebraic extension fields), computation by homomorphic images using the Chinese remainder algorithm, greatest common divisors of polynomials, factorization of univariate polynomials over finite fields, and the basic theory of Gröbner bases for polynomial ideals. The course will follow the appropriate chapters in
+ F. Winkler: Polynomial Algorithms in Computer Algebra,
+ Springer-Verlag Wien New York, 1996 (ISBN 3-211-82759-5)

Participants are expected to be acquainted with the basic notions in algebra and algorithm theory.

Lecture notes: Slides will be available on the webpage.
Kap01.pdf Kap02-1-tacnode.pdf
Kap02-1.pdf Kap02-2.pdf Kap02-3.pdf
Kap02-4.pdf Kap02-4-curves.pdf Kap02-4-surface.pdf Kap02-4-syz-proofs.pdf
Lecture mode: The course is a combination of lecture and exercises (KV). The exercise part will be supervised by Dr. Günter Landsmann.
Each week you can find the exercises for next week's session here.

for 14.10.2008 exercise1.pdf
for 21.10.2008 exercise2.pdf
for 28.10.2008 exercise3.pdf
for 04.11.2008 exercise4.pdf
for 11.11.2008 exercise5.pdf
for 18.11.2008 exercise6.pdf
for 25.11.2008 exercise7.pdf
for 02.12.2008 exercise8.pdf
for 09.12.2008 exercise9.pdf
for 16.12.2008 exercise10.pdf
on 13.01.2009 only lecture (15:30 - 18:00)
on 20.01.2009 only exercises (15:30 - 17:00)
for 20.01.2009 exercise11.pdf