Logic 1

326.019, 326.021 - Mathematical Logic 1

326.111, 326.000 - Mathematical Logic and Logic-Oriented Programming Languages

New examination: Friday 9 June: room KG 712

Consultations: Thu 8 June from 16:00 to 19:00 in RISC office (room 416) in Kopfgebaeude.

Please inform me if you want to participate in the examination.

Examination Results from Dec. 1

Consultations: Jan 25, from 16:00 to 19:00 in RISC office (room 416) in Kopfgebaeude.

  • Jan 26: Examination Theory 8:30 - 10:00 in HS6:
  • Examination for the long form of the lecture.
  • Second theory examination for the short form of the lecture, open to students who did not take it in December, or failed, or want to improve their grade.
  • Jan 26: Examination Exercises 10:15 - 11:45 in K 033 C:
  • Second exercises examination for the short form of the lecture, open to students who did not take it in December, or failed, or want to improve their grade.

    The course is an introduction to logic for students in Computer Science and Mathematics. It is largelly based on the script:

    Bruno Buchberger: Logic for Computer Science.

    The script is available in printed copy from me, but you may also download a PDF (scanned).

    A transcript by Martin Koehler of the actual lectures is available at http://members.liwest.at/mkoehler/logic/ and as local file. (May contain some typos and small errors, but otherwise very good.)


    Understand the principles of Mathematical Logic and its mathematical models, aquire the skills for using it in Mathematics and Computer Science.


    The principles of Mathematical Logic and its role in human activity.

    Main models: propositional logic, first-order predicate logic, higher-order logic. Proof systems: correctness, completeness.

    Practical use of Mathematical Logic in Mathematics (building theories, proving), and in Computer Science (automatic reasoning, programming, describing and proving properties of programs).


    The first lecture will take place

    Thursday, Oct. 13, 8:30 to 10:00 in HS6 and continuing from 10:15 to 13:30 in K033 C,

    which will be the usual time and place for the lecture. If the lecture does not take place in a certain week, this will be announced on this page.

    I asked in through the KUSSS system for on line registration, because I need to have a list of the participating students. However, it is not mandatory to register in order to participate at the first lecture[s]. In fact, I would prefer that you register after you see the first lecture[s] and you take the final decision to participate for the rest of the semester (the deadline for registration is 31st of October for UE and 1st of June for VO).

    The lecture (A) 326.111, 326.000 - Mathematical Logic and Logic-Oriented Programming Languages is addressed to the students in Computer Science and has 2 + 1 hours, while the lecture (B) 326.019, 326.021 - Mathematical Logic 1 is addressed to students in Mathematics and has 4 + 1 hours. Thus the lecture (A) will be a subset of the lecture (B), therefore the organization will be as follows:

    The home page of the lecture in WS 2004 may give you an idea about the contents and the homeworks, although the current lecture will not be exactly the same.


    Examination Results from Dec. 1

  • Dec. 8: No lecture.

  • Dec. 15: No lecture.

  • Jan. 12: Lecture 7 (8:30 - 10:00 in HS6, 10:15 - 11:45 and 12:00 - 13:30 in K033 C):

  • Jan. 19: Lecture 8 (8:30 - 10:00 in HS6, 10:15 - 11:45 and 12:00 - 13:30 in K033 C):

    Consultations: Jan 25, from 16:00 to 19:00 in RISC office (room 416) in Kopfgebaeude.

  • Jan 26: Examination Theory 8:30 - 10:00 in HS6:
  • Examination for the long form of the lecture.
  • Second theory examination for the short form of the lecture, open to students who did not take it in December, or failed, or want to improve their grade.
  • Jan 26: Examination Exercises 10:15 - 11:45
    in K 033 C:
  • Second exercises examination for the short form of the lecture, open to students who did not take it in December, or failed, or want to improve their grade.


    Each exercise counts in your final examination.

    In case you send your homeworks by e-mail, please use the address logic@risc.uni-linz.ac.at.

    Also please use as name of the file[s] your name and the number of the homework, e. g. like Mayer-3.pdf or Schreiner-J-4.ps. Please do not use Windows Word files (*.doc) because the special symbols are not shown correctly on different systems. If you do not have alternative to Word, then please print the file using the option "Print to file" and send this file too.

    Please use this e-mail address only for homeworks. For any other matters please use my personal address Tudor.Jebelean@jku.at


    T. Jebelean