Logic 1
326.019, 326.021 - Mathematical Logic 1
326.111, 326.000 - Mathematical Logic and Logic-Oriented Programming Languages
New Examination
Wednesday, June 1st
theory: 8:30 - 10:00 in room K033 C (Kepler Gebaeude)
exercises: 10:15 - 11:15 in room K001 A (Kepler Gebaeude)
The examination is open to all students who could not come to the first examination, as well as to students who want to improve their previous grade.
The course is an introduction to logic for students in Computer Science and Mathematics. It is largelly based on the script:
Bruno Buchberger: Logic for Computer Science.
The script is available in printed copy from me, but you may also download a PDF (scanned).
Understand the principles of Mathematical Logic and its mathematical models, aquire the skills for using it in Mathematics and Computer Science.
The principles of Mathematical Logic and its role in human activity.
Main models: propositional logic, first-order predicate logic, higher-order logic. Proof systems: correctness, completeness.
Practical use of Mathematical Logic in Mathematics (building theories, proving), and in Computer Science (automatic reasoning, programming, describing and proving properties of programs).
The first lecture will take place
Thursday, Oct. 7, 8:30 to 13:30 in HS6
which will be the usual time and place for the lecture. If the lecture does not take place in a certain week, this will be announced on this page.
I asked in through the KUSSS system for on line registration, because I need to have a list of the participating students. However, it is not mandatory to register in order to participate at the first lecture[s]. In fact, I would prefer that you register after you see the first lecture[s] and you take the final decision to participate for the rest of the semester (the deadline for registration is 3rd of November).
The lecture (A) 326.111, 326.000 - Mathematical Logic and Logic-Oriented Programming Languages is addressed to the students in Computer Science and has 2 + 1 hours, while the lecture (B) 326.019, 326.021 - Mathematical Logic 1 is addressed to students in Mathematics and has 4 + 1 hours. Therefore the lecture (A) will be a subset of the lecture (B), which complicates a little the organization.
I suggest the following way of organizing the lecture, but the final decision will be taken by discussion with the participants on Oct. 7. Until then I wellcome your comments by e-mail.
will not be scheduled separately, but will be interspersed within the lecture at the appropriate places.
Oct. 7: Lecture 1 (10:15 - 11:45 and 12:00 - 12:45)
Oct. 14: Lecture 2 (10:15 - 11:45 and 12:00 - 12:45)
Oct. 21: Lecture 3 (10:15 - 11:45 and 12:00 - 12:45)
Oct. 28: Lecture 4
Nov. 04: Lecture 5
Nov. 11: Lecture 6
Nov. 25: There is no lecture on Nov. 25.
Dec. 2: Lecture 7
Demo of the Theorema system. The zip file containing the demo (see first README.txt). During the lecture we covered the first two parts of the demo (Overview of the system, Proving in natural style).
Dec. 9: Lecture 8
Demo of the Theorema system. The zip file containing the demo (see first README.txt). During the lecture we will cover the last part of the demo (Math knowldedge at work).
Discussion on a propositional theory for a Theorema prover: paper.pdf, paper.ps, paper.dvi.
Dec. 16: There is no lecture on Dec. 16.
Jan. 13: Lecture 9
Further discussion on the propositional theory for a Theorema prover, proof of correctness and completeness, examples.
Jan. 20: Lecture 10
The unification algorithm. Construction of the correct algorithm using the principles of logic.
Jan. 27: Examination for the long version of the lecture (326019).
HS6, 8:30.
Each exercise counts as one point in your final examination.
In case you send your homeworks by e-mail, please use in the future the address logic@risc.uni-linz.ac.at
Also please use as name of the file[s] your name and the number of the homework, e. g. like Mayer-3.pdf or Schreiner-J-4.ps