Write on the Convex SPP a parallel (Fortran or C) program solving the "All Pairs Shortest Path" problem.Take the sequential program on the course page as the starting point and use the MPI library to develop the parallel program in the message passing model.
. Measure the execution
times of function path
for matrix sizes 256 and 384 and take
these times as the base times of all your comparisons with the parallel
program. Make sure that you apply the same optimizations to the sequential
code that you apply to the parallel code for a fair comparison.
For developing the MPI program
mpa -sc parallel
to move to subcomplex "parallel",
in your PATH,
in your MANPATH,
or mpif77
mpirun -np n program
run program with n processes.
to measure wall clock times,
, mpicc
, mpif77
, mpiclean
, and for all the MPI library calls. Various
environment variables can be used to customize the execution (see the man
and and measure the execution times
for both input sizes and 1, 2, 4, 8, 12 processors.
Test this claim by running benchmarks with 1, 2, 4, 8, 12 processors increasing your matrix size (from 256 respectively 384) correspondingly.