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P = Q; R
Q = loc2:=1; R = if @loc2=0 then skip else S fi
S = loc1:=@loc2+4

[[P: comm]](s)
= [[R: comm]]([[Q: comm]](s))
= [[R: comm]]update(loc2, 1, s)
= if([[@loc2=0: boolexp]]update(loc2, 1, s),
        [[skip: comm]]update(loc2, 1, s),
        [[S: comm]]update(loc2, 1, s))
= if(false, [[skip: comm]]update(loc2, 1, s),
        [[S: comm]]update(loc2, 1, s))
= [[S: comm]]update(loc2, 1, s)
= update(loc1,
        [[@loc2+4: intexp]]update(loc2, 1, s),
        update(loc2, 1, s))
= update(loc1, 5, update(loc2, 1, s)) Program semantics can be studied independently of specific storage vector!

Author: Wolfgang Schreiner
Last Modification: March 26, 1998

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