Parallel Programming Laboratory
315.397, SS 1997 (Start: March 10)
Mo 8:30-10:00, T212
Wolfgang Schreiner
This course demonstrates the practical use of parallel programming languages
and tools for developing applications on a state of the art supercomputer, the
CONVEX Exemplar SPP1200/24-XA
installed at the computing center of the Johannes Kepler University. We will
use various parallel programming models including
- automatic parallelization using the
- thread programming in a C++ thread
- shared memory programming using various Unix facilities (SystemV IPC),
- message passing programming using
PVM and
The development of various parallel methods will be investigated in the form
of case studies.
- Convex System Overview
- Hardware.
- Operating system.
- Development tools.
- Parallel Programming Packages
- Parallelizing C compiler.
- RT++ thread package.
- PVM and MPI.
- UNIX processes, signals, pipes, sockets, semaphores, shared memory.
- Standard Problems and their Solutions
- Mutual exclusion.
- Dining philosophers, cigarette smokers.
- Reader/writer.
- Consumer/producer.
- Client/server.
- Case Studies
- Linear systems (Gaussian elimination, Jacobi, Gauss Seidel).
- Sorting (hyperquicksort, regular sampling).
- Multiprecision integer multiplication (school method, Karatsuba).
- N queens problem.
- Ch. Dannegger/P. Geugelin-Dannegger
- Parallele Prozesse unter
UNIX, Carl Hanser, München, 1991.
- SPP Language and Programming Overview Course
Notes (Condensed Version), CONVEX
Education Center, Richardson, Texas, January 1995.
- Ian T. Foster
- Designing and Building Parallel Programs --
Concepts and Tools for Parallel Software
Engineering, Addison Wesley, Reading, MA, 1995.
- Michael J. Quinn
- Parallel Computing -- Theory and Practice,
2nd edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 1994.
- Wolfgang Schreiner
- Alle Fäden in der Hand -- Thread
Programmierung unter Linux in C und C++
(Teil 1 und
Teil 2)
Linux-Magazin, 07/1996 und 08/1996.
- Thomas Sterling et al.
- An Initial Evaluation of the HP-Convex SPP-1000
for Earth and Space Science
Proceedings of the First IEEE Symposium on High-Performance Computer
Architecture, pp. 176-185, January 1995.
- Thomas Sterling et al.
- Improving Application Performance on the HP/Convex
Exemplar, IEEE Computer, December 1996, pp. 50-54.
- JKU Computing Center
- Convex
- RT++
- Exercise 1
Gaussian elimination with automatic/assisted parallelization.
- Exercise 2
Hyperquicksort in Convex C/Fortran and with the RT++ thread package.
- Exercise 3
N queens with Unix processes and with MPI.
Maintained by: Wolfgang Schreiner
Last Modification: May 23, 1997
[RISC-Linz] [University]