Parallel Programming Laboratory

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315.397, SS 1997 (Start: March 10)
Mo 8:30-10:00, T212
Wolfgang Schreiner

This course demonstrates the practical use of parallel programming languages and tools for developing applications on a state of the art supercomputer, the

CONVEX Exemplar SPP1200/24-XA
installed at the computing center of the Johannes Kepler University. We will use various parallel programming models including

The development of various parallel methods will be investigated in the form of case studies.


Convex System Overview
Parallel Programming Packages
Standard Problems and their Solutions
Case Studies


Ch. Dannegger/P. Geugelin-Dannegger
Parallele Prozesse unter UNIX, Carl Hanser, München, 1991.
SPP Language and Programming Overview Course Notes (Condensed Version), CONVEX Education Center, Richardson, Texas, January 1995.
Ian T. Foster
Designing and Building Parallel Programs -- Concepts and Tools for Parallel Software Engineering, Addison Wesley, Reading, MA, 1995.
Michael J. Quinn
Parallel Computing -- Theory and Practice, 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 1994.
Wolfgang Schreiner
Alle Fäden in der Hand -- Thread Programmierung unter Linux in C und C++ (Teil 1 und Teil 2) Linux-Magazin, 07/1996 und 08/1996.
Thomas Sterling et al.
An Initial Evaluation of the HP-Convex SPP-1000 for Earth and Space Science Applications, Proceedings of the First IEEE Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture, pp. 176-185, January 1995.
Thomas Sterling et al.
Improving Application Performance on the HP/Convex Exemplar, IEEE Computer, December 1996, pp. 50-54.


JKU Computing Center


Exercise 1
Gaussian elimination with automatic/assisted parallelization.
Exercise 2
Hyperquicksort in Convex C/Fortran and with the RT++ thread package.
Exercise 3
N queens with Unix processes and with MPI.

Maintained by: Wolfgang Schreiner
Last Modification: May 23, 1997

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