Compilation of Functional Languages for Parallel Execution

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315.391, SS 1997 (Start: March 13)
Thu 16:30-18:00, T711
Wolfgang Schreiner

This course investigates the formal theory for the compilation of functional programming languages for execution on parallel computers. We will focus on two main branches of execution models of non-strict functional languages:

Furthermore, we will deal with run-time environments of parallel functional languages focusing on methods for parallel garbage collection.


Compilation of Lazy Languages for Parallel Graph Reduction
Compilation of Lenient Languages for Multithreaded Execution
Parallel Garbage Collection


D I Bevan
Distributed Garbage Collection Using Reference Counting, Parallel Languages and Architectures Europe, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 1987, volumes 258/259 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, W. J. Bakker et al. (eds), Springer, Berlin.
Geoffrey Burn
Lazy Functional Languages: Abstract Interpretation and Compilation, Research Monographs in Parallel and Distributed Computing, Pitman, London, 1991.
Geoffrey Burn
Evaluation Transformers -- A Model for the Parallel Evaluation of Functional Languages (Extended Abstract), Gilles Kahn (ed.), Functional Programming and Computer Architecture, volume 274 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 446-470, Portland, Oregon, September 14-16, 1987, Springer Berlin.
Geoffrey Burn
Implementing the Evaluation Transformer Model of Reduction on Parallel Machines, Journal of Functional Programming, 1(2), April 1991.
Chris Clack et al.
Strictness Analysis -- A Practical Approach, Jean-Pierre Jouannaud (ed.), Functional Language and Computer Architecture, volume 201 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 35-49, Nancy, France, September 16-19, 1985, Springer, Berlin.
D.E. Culler et al.
TAM - A Compiler Controlled Threaded Abstract Machine, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, July 1993, schauser/papers/
David Plainfosse and Marc Shapiro
A Survey of Distributed Garbage Collection Techniques, International Workshop on Memory Management, Kinross, Scotland (UK), September 1995,
K.E. Schauser
Compiling Lenient Languages for Parallel Asynchronous Execution, PhD thesis, Computer Science Division, University of California, Berkeley, May 1994, schauser/papers/
K.E. Schauser et al.
Separation Constraint Partitioning - A New Algorithm for Partitioning Non-strict Programs into Sequential Threads, Proc. Principles of Programming Languages (POPL'95), San Francisco, CA, January 1995, schauser/papers/
Kenneth Traub
Implementation of Non-Strict Functional Programming Languages, Research Monographs in Parallel and Distributed Computing, Pitman, London, 1991.

Maintained by: Wolfgang Schreiner
Last Modification: May 15, 1997

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