Programming in Mathematica (326.062, 326.0MM)

Basic knowledge of computer programming. Experience in at least one programming language.
There will be several programming assignments and in-class tests/quizzes. Their marks will result in the final grade.
The participants of the course will
Lecture notes and access to the system
Lecture notes will be available from the Moodle system. For solving exercises one needs access to Mathematica. It is available from the campus computers. If you want to have the system installed on your laptop or PC, you can get a student copy from the university.


Summer Semester 2022.

Number: 326.062, 326.0MM
Title:Programming in Mathematica
Lecturer:Temur Kutsia
Time:Thursday, 14:30-16:15
Place:Depending on the pandemic situation:
If in presence, HT 176G. On March 10 and 17 in ESH 3.
If online, using Zoom. The link will be accessible from Moodle.
First meeting:March 10
Registration:Via the KUSSS system.
Grading:Based on the assignments and in-class tests/quizzes.

This course is listed in the KUSSS under two names: