Computer Algebra for Concrete Mathematics

Summer Semester 2021

First lecture: Thuesday   9.3.2021   12:00 - 13:30 we start via Zoom

The Zoom-link can be found on the moodle page.

In this lecture basic skills and techniques will be elaborated which are relevant to simplify formulas related to enumeration, in particular, to carry out the average and worst case complexity analysis of algorithms. The content of the lecture can be summarized by the following key words:

A major emphasis of the lecture is to present the basic notions, to develop the basic ideas of the underlying algorithms and to put computer algebra into action for concrete examples.

Many of the topics discussed in the lecture can be found in the books

Requirements: Basic knowledge from analysis and linear algebra.

The lecture notes will be enhanced step wise and will be found here: LectureNotes.pdf; a supplementing Mathematica notebook can be found here. In addition, the lecture will be recorded (at least as long as we are in the zoom-modus). The movies can be found on the moodle pages

In case that some content is unclear, feel free to contact me. I will try to answer all your questions, and will incorporate the answers also into the lecture notes.


The exercises will be stated in the lectures in form of "homeworks". Unfortunately, there will be no physical exercise classes. Whenever you are ready (preferable the week after the lecture), send your worked out examples via Email to Silviu Radu. He will look at them and will send you his feedback.
Exercise instructor: Silviu Radu (SilviuDOTRaduATriscDOTjkuDOTat)

The posed exercises are collected in Exercises.pdf.