Selected Algorithms (Seminar)

Description - Course Details - Schedule - History


The seminar is devoted to the study of elegant, efficient, practial, interesting, classical and non-classical algorithms, including in particular algorithms with no apparent relationship to symbolic computation. The main emphasis will be put on algorithms that are typically not covered by introductory lectures or textbooks on algorithms, but which nevertheless are of general interest. Also little-known aspects of well-known algorithms are potential topics of the seminar. Only algorithms whose understanding requires a substantial amount of external background knowledge are excluded from consideration.

Algorithms from various areas will be discussed. For instance:

Typically, at each meeting there will be a self-contained presentation of some algorithm. Depending on the algorithm and on the interest of the audience, the focus of the discussion might be on complexity analysis, comparison to related algorithms, data structures, implementation details, or applications.


Course Details

Course ID: 326.087
If you are JKU student, please register to this course via KUSSS.
Organizers: Manuel Kauers and Temur Kutsia
Time: Thursday, 16.30--18.00 (weekly)
First meeting: March 19
Place: T112, TNF tower, campus
Prerequesits: Participants are expected to be familiar with fundamental algorithms as tought in introductory courses such as 326.011 by Carsten Schneider or 326.026 by Heinrich Rolletschek.


Schedule (Summer 2009)

Date Speaker Title
2009-03-19 Manuel Kauers The height of a random binary tree
2009-03-26 Temur Kutsia Happy Easter!
2009-04-02 no seminar
2009-04-23 Zafeirakopoulos Zafeirakis Real Root Isolation
2009-04-30 Johannes Middeke LZW Compression
2009-05-07 Annette Jacyszyn FFT algorithms
2009-05-14 Nadine Stein A comparison of string matching algorithms
2009-05-28 Branislav Rudic Hedge automata
2009-06-04 Christoph Fürst Fast multiplication
2009-06-18 Alexander Grubhofer Page rank
2009-06-25 Simon Weitzhofer Random number generators and applications



Seminar program of earlier years:
