Parallel Algorithms in Symbolic Computation
Tudor Jebelean
326.068, SS 2006
Time and place: by private arrangements.
Please contact me by e-mail if you want to participate at the lecture.
To understand the basic parallelization techniques for tipical algorithms in
computer algebra.
- basic parallelization models: MIMD, SIMD, systolic
- parallel multiprecision arithmetic
- parallel arithmetic of polynomials
- parallel theorem proving
- survey of other parallel algorithms
- T. Jebelean: Systolic multiprecision arithmetic (PhD thesis), RISC report
- PASCO'94: Parallel Symbolic Computation, World Scientific, Singapore 1994.
- Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 21, no. 4, 1996 (Special issue on parallel symbolic computation), Hoon Hong (guest editor).
- PASCO'97: Parallel Symbolic Computation, ACM Press, 1997.
- Either: final written exam with questions about concepts and small exercises;
- Or: small project practical and/or theoretical.
Maintained by: Tudor Jebelean