Registration is open, please follow the link to the
registration page
(but don't forget to read the information below carefully).
Please note that the conference dinner is included in the registration
fee; an extra banquet ticket has to be bought only for accompanying persons
(e.g., spouse).
A reduced registration fee is available for students and for participants
from developing countries (i.e., from countries
listed here).
In addition, they are eligible to apply to have their registration fee
waived (this selection is made by
the Scientific Committee). If you
would like to apply, please send a CV, a recommendation letter, and a short
statement describing your situation to the
Conference Chair,
no later than April 30, 2019.
Early registration (until June 30) |
Late registration (from July 1) |
normal |
300 EUR |
350 EUR |
reduced |
190 EUR |
220 EUR |
The registration fee covers lunches, coffee breaks, the welcome reception on
Sunday and the excursion and conference dinner on Wednesday. Rooms in the
Sommerhaus Hotel have to be reserved through the registration form, but
payment for the accomodation is done directly at the hotel. We organize a
shuttle service from Linz airport / Linz train station to the hotel on
Sunday (July 21), and in the opposite direction on Friday afternoon (July
26) and Saturday morning (July 27). If you wish to use this shuttle, please
indicate your arrival / departure dates and times in the registration form.
For the registration process it is not relevant whether you intend to give a
talk or not. If you would like to give a talk, please check
the list of minisymposia whether
your topic fits into one of them, and in this case get into contact directly
with the respective minisymposium organizers. Otherwise, there is the option
to give a contributed talk in the general session. In any case, submissions
should be sent until May 15, 2019.
Before making your travel plans, you may consider to attend
the Summer
School on Algorithmic and Enumerative Combinatorics, which takes place
in Hagenberg in the week after OPSFA (separate registration required, see