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The characteristic ideal of a finite, connected, regular graph

J. M. Brunat, A. Montes


This paper is the second of a series of two about polynomial graphs. Let $\Phi(x,y)\in\mathbb{C}[x,y]$ be a symmetric polynomial of partial degree $d$ and let $I$ be the ideal generated by $\Phi(x,y)$. The graph $G(\Phi)$ is defined by taking $\mathbb{C}$ as set of vertices and the points of $\mathbb{V}(I)$ as edges. We study the following problem: given a finite, connected, $d$-regular graph $H$, find the polynomials $\Phi(x,y)$ such that $G(\Phi)$ has some connected component isomorphic to $H$ and, in this case, if $G(\Phi)$ has (almost) all components isomorphic to $H$. The problem is solved by associating to $H$ a characteristic ideal which offers a new perspective to the conjecture formulated in the first paper, and allows to reduce its scope. In the second part, we determine the characteristic ideal for cycles of lengths $\le 5$ and for complete graphs of order $\le 6$. This results provide new evidence for the conjecture.

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