ISPDC 2007
6th International Symposium on
Parallel and Distributed Computing
Hagenberg, Austria, July 5-8, 2007
Latest News:
July 10, 2007:
| Symposium Pictures Online
| July 9, 2007:
| Invited Talks Online
| June 25, 2007:
| Registration Closed
| April 23, 2007:
| Social Program
| April 19, 2007:
| Preliminary Program Updated
| April 10, 2007:
| Preliminary Program Available
| April 2, 2007:
| Conference Registration Opened
| March 26, 2007:
| Preliminary Registration Information Online
| March 22, 2007:
| Author Final Paper
Preparation and Submission Instructions
(please note the change in style compared to the one suggested in the call)
| March 9, 2007:
| Kimmo Koski confirmed as invited speaker.
| February 9, 2007:
| IEEE Computer Press confirms publication of conference proceedings.
| January 29, 2007:
| Extended
Submission Deadline: February 12
| January 8, 2007:
| Paper Submission
January 8, 2007:
| Third Call for Papers
December 13, 2006:
| Second Call for Papers
December 7, 2006:
| Important Dates Updated
December 4, 2006:
| Invited Speakers Confirmed