Computer Equipment
Workshops will be held in a computer lab (room named "RISC" in the schedule), which is equipped with Linux clients. Web connection, Mathematica, Maple, and Cinderella will be available, but we cannot provide Windows-based software (e.g. Geometer's Sketchpad, MathDesktop) on these machines. However, we will have the software available to be installed on your own Laptop. If you wish to do so, please make sure you have the necessary privileges to install software on your computer.For workshops scheduled in rooms "P" or "C2": no computers for workshop participants are available in these rooms. The only possibility for participants is to install the software on their own computers.
Workshop Schedule
Beyond DGS - Simulations and Scripting with Cinderella | Ulrich Kortenkamp, Pädagogische Hochschule Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany Andreas Fest, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany |
How to prepare interactive Mathematica demonstrations for classroom | Janos Karsai, University of Szeged, Hungary |
Learning Math, Doing Math: Deductive Thinking and Construction Tasks with The Geometer's Sketchpad | A. Homero Flores, Math Teacher and researcher, Mexico |
Learning More by Solving Series of Problems | Martin Kollar, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia Jozef Hvorecky, Vysoka skola manazmentu, Bratislava, Slovakia |
WebMathematics Interactive 2: A graphical user interface to computer algebra systems for students | Zoltan Kovacs, Bolyai Institute, University of Szeged, Hungary |
How to implement automata constructions in Maple? | George T. Maroti, University of Pecs, Hungary |
WIRIS, tools for web based learning environments (Moodle, Drupal, Joomla, Blogs) | Ramon Eixarch, Maths for More, Barcelona, Spain |
Modeling Towards Meaning of Functions | Lilla Korenova, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia Jozef Hvorecky, Vysoka skola manazmentu, Bratislava, Slovakia |
Coding Theory for the Classroom? | Josef Böhm, ACDCA & Technical University of Vienna, Austria |
Using M@th Desktop Notebooks and Palettes in the Classroom | Reinhard Simonovits, Handelsakademie Grazbachgasse, Austria Philip Ramsden, Imperial College London, United Kingdom |
Interactive Geometry In Mathematica | Philip Ramsden, Imperial College London, United Kingdom. >> download |
GeoGebra 3.2 -- The new Spreadsheet View | Yves Kreis, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Markus Hohenwarter, Florida State University, United States Judith Hohenwarter, Florida State University, United States |