Online Proceedings Chronlogical Listing
The online proceedings are available through links from the conference program below.
11 July 2009 |
9:30-10:15 |
Plenary I: Ralph-Johan Back: Structured derivations: a method for teaching proofs in high school mathematics (ZIP) (Room: P) |
11:00-12:30 |
Parallel session I |
Chair: Ildikó Perjési-Hámori |
Chair: Jozef Hvorecky |
Chair: Morten Misfeldt |
ConvMathAssist WG |
Workshop |
Ulrich Kortenkamp, Christian Dohrmann User Interface Design for Interactive Geometry Software (ZIP) |
Durdica Takaci, Arpad Takaci |
Alexandru Horváth From discovery to proof - a new approach to an old theorem in plane geometry
Walther Neuper Common grounds for modeling mathematics in educational software |
János Karsai How to prepare interactive Mathematica demonstrations for classroom (ZIP) |
Francisco Botana, Jesus Escribano, Miguel Abanades Dynamic Geometry vs Game Physics software (ZIP)
Helga Jungwirth Through different eyes: a sociological approach to explanations in CAS-based mathematics classrooms |
Kaja Maricic The methodical computer visulaisation of basic functions and their inverse functions (ZIP) |
Manfred J. Bauch Thoughts on the future of the classical worksheet (ZIP) |
Jostein Vage |
Eno Tonisson Answers offered by Computer Algebra Systems to expression transformation exercises |
Anna Takács Klingné Educational experiences about using different computer programs |
Steve Arnold Dynamic integration of CAS and DGS: what does this mean? |
14:00-15:30 |
Parallel session II |
Chair: Paul Andrews |
Chair: Peter Samuels |
Chair: Mette Andresen |
ConvMathAssist WG |
Workshop |
Silva Kmetic A didactical aspect on teaching mathematics using dynamic geometry software |
Jesus Escribano, Francisco Botana, Miguel Abanades Integrating DG and CAS abilities under a common framework (ZIP) |
Vukobratovic Ruzica On the notions of function |
Markus Hohenwarter GeoGebra - Past, present, and future of this Dynamic Mathematics Software (ZIP) |
Philip Ramsden Interactive Geometry In Mathematica |
Ulrich Kortenkamp Blended experimentation with DGS (ZIP) |
Mihály Klincsik Effects of CAS on understanding probabilistic concepts (ZIP) |
András Ringler How to construct a regular pentagon from a square? |
Pedrag Janicic Automated geometry theorem proving: readability vs. efficiency (ZIP) |
Mazen Shahin, Valentyna Pikalova Explorations in Elementary Mathematical Modeling |
Alla Stolyarevska Iteration and recursion in dynamical programming (ZIP) |
Vladimira Petraskova, Roman Hasek |
Makarius Wenzel |
16:00-16:45 |
Plenary II: André Heck: Modelling in cross-disciplinary authentic student research projects (Room: P) |
17:00-18:00 |
Parallel session III |
Room: G |
Room: C1 |
Room: C2 |
Room: RISC |
Room: P |
Chair: Judith Hohenwarter |
Chair: Tomas Recio |
Chair: Csaba Sárvári |
ConvMathAssist WG |
Workshop |
Yves Kreis, Carole Dording GeoGebraPrim– GeoGebra for primary school |
Kiyoshi Kitahara, Takayuki Abe, Kenji Fukazawa, Masataka Kaneko, Satoshi Yamashita, Setsuo Takato Educational meanings of printed materials with three dimensional figures - KETpic into LaTeX (ZIP) |
Jürgen Richter-Gebert Visualization and Algorithms: Old teaching paradigms in new contexts |
Wolfgang Schreiner On proving assistants in the classroom (and elsewhere) (ZIP) |
Homero Flores Learning math, doing math: deductive thinking and construction tasks with The Geometer's Sketchpad |
Rita Nagy-Kondor Descriptive geometry and Dynamic Geometry Systems |
Alfred Wassermann |
Lajos Szilassi Some new regular toroids with hexagonal faces (ZIP) |
Cezary Kaliszyk, Freek Wiedijk |
12 July 2009 |
8:30-10:00 |
Parallel session IV |
Chair: Yves Kreis |
Chair: Ildikó Perjési-Hámori |
Chair: Anders Sanne |
ConvMathAssist WG |
Workshop |
Andreas Fest Creating interactive user feedback in DGS using the scripting interface of Cinderella (ZIP) |
Zoltán Kovács |
Celina Abar Virtual Learning Environment and others technologies used in continuous formation of mathematics teachers (ZIP) |
André Heck, Ton Ellermeijer Mathematics assistants: Meeting the needs of secondary school physics education |
Reinhard Simonovits, Philip Ramsden |
Homero Flores Learning math, doing math: deductive thinking and construction tasks with the Geometer’s Sketchpad |
Miguel Abanades, Jesus Escribano, Francisco Botana |
Gerry Stahl, Murat Perit Cakir, Stephen Weimar, Baba Kofi Weusijana Enhancing mathematical communication for virtual math teams |
Christian Hirsch Innovation in design, acces to, and use of software tools for high school mathematics |
Csaba Sárvári, Mihály Klincsik, Zsolt Lavicza |
Matija Lokar
10:15-11:00 |
Plenary III: Paul Andrews: Understanding the cultural dimension in research in mathematics teaching and learning (Room: P) |
11:15-12:45 |
Parallel session V |
Chair: Jozef Hvorecky |
Chair: Peter Samuels |
Workshop |
ConvMathAssist WG |
Workshop |
János Karsai Mathematica-aided study of impulsive systems in the math and applied classroom (ZIP) |
Djordje Herceg, Dragoslav Herceg |
Yves Kreis, Markus Hohenwarter Judith Hohenwarter |
Philip Ramsden, Reinhard Simonovits, Bernd Thaller Design of M@th Desktop (MD), Considerations of software design and how to teach and learn with M@th Desktop |
Ramon Eixarch WIRIS, tools for web based learning environments (Moodle, Drupal, Joomla, Blogs) |
Francisco Pérez-Arribas Teaching computer -aided design with the use of Dynamic Geometry |
Martin Kollar, Jozef Hvorecky Learning more by solving series of problems
Josef Böhm, Eno Tonisson |
Christian Bokhove |
Christian Gütl, Alexander Nussbaumer Enhanced personalized learning support of Computer Algebra Systems |
14:00-15:30 |
Parallel session VI |
Room: G |
Room: C1 |
Room: C2 |
Room: P |
Room: RISC |
Chair: János Karsai |
Chair: Andre Heck |
Workshop |
Workshop |
Workshop |
Peter Samuels Design of a mobile mathematics creativity laboratory for contemporary learners (ZIP) |
Mette Andresen, Morten Misfeldt |
Martin Kollar, Jozef Hvorecky |
Josef Böhm |
Ulrich Kortenkamp, Andreas Fest Beyond DGS - simulations and scripting with Cinderella (ZIP) |
Natalija Budinski Learning and teaching mathematics in high school trough real life models |
Judith Hohenwarter, Markus Hohenwarter Introducing Dynamic Mathematics Software to teachers: the case of GeoGebra (ZIP) |
Rein Prank White-Box/Black-Box principle in expression manipulation: How much can be automated? |
Yu-Wen Allison Lu, Markus Hohenwarter, Zsolt Lavicza Establishing a professional development network with an open-source dynamic mathematics software - GeoGebra |
16:00-16:45 |
Plenary IV: Bruno Buchberger: Mathematical invention: How much can be automated? (Room: P) |
13 July 2009 |
9:00-10:30 |
Parallel session VII |
Room: G |
Room: C1 |
Room: C2 |
Room: P |
Room: RISC |
Chair: Mihály Klincsik |
InterGeo WG |
Workshop |
Workshop |
Workshop |
Tatsuyoshi Hamada The toy box of mathematics: KNOPPIX/Math |
Tomas Recio Intergeo: fostering the use of Dynamic Geometry Software in Europe Presentation and discussion on InterGeo issues by members of the InterGeo team: (Confirmed attendance so far): U. Kortenkamp M. Abandes F. Botana C. Dohrmann J. Escribano Y. Kreis T. Recio A. Wassermann |
Lilla Korenova, Jozef Hvorecky Modeling towards meaning of functions |
Zoltán Kovács WebMathematics Interactive 2: A graphical user interface to computer algebra systems for students (ZIP) |
George T. Maróti How to implement automata constructions in Maple? (ZIP)
Peter Körtesi, Pellumb Kllogjeri European Computer Algebra Driving Licence (ZIP) |
Zsolt Lavicza |
11:00-11:45 |
Plenary V: Jozef Hvorecky: Using a managerial analogy for making mathematics more attractive (Room: P) |
Posters and Exhibitions |
Katarína Žilková – School mathematics in the environment of ICT |
Anders Sanne, Zsolt Lavicza, Arne Amdal Establishing the GeoGebra Institute of Norway |
IJTME/ADN Publication stands |
Mathematica |