General Information
The Algorithmic and Enumerative Combinatorics conference is the homonymous
special research program's (SFB)
concluding event. The meeting will take place in Vienna from June 28 to
July 2, 2021.
Due to the corona pandemic, the conference has been postponed to 2022 (July 4–8),
please see the new website.
The SFB (short for the German name SpezialForschungsBereich) is funded by the
Austrian Science Fund (FWF), and it is a special effort of five institutes, the
Faculty of Mathematics
(University of Vienna), the
Institute for Discrete Mathematics and Geometry
(Technical University Vienna), the
Research Institute for Symbolic Computation
and the
Institute of Algebra
(Johannes Kepler University Linz), and the
Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics
(Austrian Academy of Sciences).
Algorithmic and Enumerative Combinatorics is in our understanding the
general research area which is defined by the interplay of the fields of
Enumerative Combinatorics, Analytic Combinatorics, and Algorithmics. It is a
very active research area, which, aside from the three fields fueling each
other mutually, receives constant impetus from outside, by its
interaction with algebra, probability, statistical physics, and computer
science. It is very modern as it necessarily requires skills in many
different fields, and as it is unthinkable nowadays to make progress in this
area without using (the) computer (algebra).
The conference will feature invited lectures by
George Andrews (Penn State University, University Park)
Alin Bostan (INRIA Saclay Ile-de-France)
Sylvie Corteel (University of California at Berkeley)
Marc Noy (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona)
Greta Panova (University of Southern California)
Kilian Raschel (Université de Tours)
Bruno Salvy (INRIA and École normale supérieure de Lyon)
Anne Schilling (University of California at Davis)
Michael Singer (North Carolina State University)
Richard Stanley (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Michelle Wachs (University of Miami)
There will be time for a limited number of contributed talks by
participants (about 25 minutes each talk). If you are interested,
please submit an extended abstract until March 31, 2021 to
There are limited funds available for participant support. Participants who
require financial support should send an application with CV and a letter of
support to (application deadline: May 1, 2021).
AEC - SFB Algorithmic and Enumerative Combinatorics |
FWF - Der Wissenschaftsfonds |
TU Wien - Technical University of Vienna |
Previous AEC Meetings (Summer Schools)