The International Workshops on Automated Deduction in Geometry (
ADG) have become a forum to exchange ideas and views, to present research
results and progress, and to demonstrate software tools. Applications of ADG
to CAGD/CAD, computer vision and geometry education presented at the previous
three workshops held in Zurich, September 2000, Beijing, August 1998 and
Toulouse, September 1996 shed new light on the perspectives of ADG. The
fourth workshop ADG 2002 to be held in Hagenberg (near Linz), Austria,
September 4-6, 2002 will continue ADG's emphasis on theory and algorithms,
implementation, experiments, and applications to science, engineering and
Program for the Workshop
To get the information about the schedule of the talks, Workshop Banquet and other things, please follow the link:
Program for the Workshop
Important Dates
Deadline for extended abstract submission: |     June 03, 2002 |
Notification of acceptance or rejection: |     July 03, 2002 |
Workshop taking place: |     September 4-6, 2002 |
Deadline for full paper submission: |     November 4, 2002 |
Shang-Ching Chou (Wichita, USA) |     Andreas Dress (Bielefeld, Germany) |
Desmond Fearnley-Sander(Hobart, Australia) |     Xiao-Shan Gao (Beijing, China) |
Hoon Hong (Raleigh, USA) |     Deepak Kapur (Albuquerque, USA) |
Josef Schicho (Linz, Austria) |     Bernd Sturmfels (Berkeley, USA) |
Gert Vegter (Groningen, The Netherlands) |     Dongming Wang (Paris, France) |
Volker Weispfenning (Passau, Germany) |     Neil White (Gainesville, USA) |
Franz Winkler (Linz, Austria), Chairman |     Lu Yang (Chengdu, China) |
    Potential participants of ADG 2002 are invited to submit an extended abstract
of three or more pages, or a full paper describing their work to be presented
at ADG 2002.Electronic submissions are preferred, The abstracts, or the full
paper should be sent in LaTex format and the any specific packages, other than
the standard one, needed to latex the abstracts, should be specifically
mentioned separately. The submitted extended abstracts and full papers will be
reviewed by members of the program committee (PC) for presentation at the
workshop. Submissions should be sent to chairman:
Prof.Dr. Franz Winkler |
Research Institute for Symbolic Computation(RISC) |
Johannes Kepler Universitaet, Linz |
A-4040 Linz, AUSTRIA |
E-mail: |
Phone: +43 (0)732 2468 9943 |
Fax: +43 (0)732 2468 9930 |
    Authors of the extended abstracts and full papers accepted for
presentation at the workshop will be invited to submit their full and/or
revised papers
for publication in the proceedings of ADG 2002 after the workshop. The
submitted papers will be formally reviewed by PC members and external
referees. It is expected that the accepted papers will be published as a
volume in the LNAI series by Springer-Verlag. The proceedings of ADG '96,
ADG '98 and ADG'2000 appeared as LNAI 1360, LNAI 1669 and LNAI 2061,
Workshop Site
    The workshop ADG 2002 will take place at RISC-Linz,
Research Institute for
Symbolic Computation, Hagenberg (near Linz), Austria.
Please have a look at the RISC homepage
for more information about the picturesque location.
Facilities for slides and computer demonstrations will be provided.
Relevant Links
Please register for the conference as early as possible. The early
registration discount is available until July 13.
Registration Form and Payment Information are available at
Registration form in plain text, ASCII format and
registration form in html format
For further information write to
ADG98 and
Bibliography on Geometric Reasoning
    This site is maintained by Manasi Athale & Rahul Athale. | Last updated on August 28, 2002.     |