.. _Download: Download and Installation ========================= The current version of |PACKAGE_NAME| is |release|. Registration ------------ The download is password protected. To get the password, send an email to `Peter Paule `_ . It will be given for free to all researchers and non-commercial users. Note that redistribution of RISCErgoSum is not allowed. Short Instruction ----------------- Get one of the files |PACKAGE_TARNAME|-|release|.tgz or |PACKAGE_TARNAME|-|release|.zip from http://www.risc.jku.at/research/combinat/software/source/mathematica/ergosum and extract it in the ``Applications`` subdirectory of your local Mathematica ``$UserBaseDirectory``. Detailed Instruction -------------------- Start Mathematica and type:: $UserBaseDirectory at the command prompt. Suppose this value is ``/home/hemmecke/.Mathematica``. Exit Mathematica and extract the .tgz file into the ``Applications`` subdirectory. Under Linux (substitute appropriately):: tar xvzf riscergosum-x.y.z.tgz -C /home/hemmecke/.Mathematica/Applications Under MacOS the output from ``$UserBaseDirectory`` will most probably look similar to ``/Users/hemmecke/Library/Mathematica``. Thus, in a terminal type:: tar xvzf riscergosum-x.y.z.tgz -C /Users/hemmecke/Library/Mathematica/Applications Note that the ``Library`` folder is usually hidden in the file browser. Under Windows (substitute appropriately) unzip the ``riscergosum-x.y.z.zip`` and move the files (and subdirectories) to ``$UserBaseDirectory/Applications``. After extracting the files into the ``Applications`` subdirectory, you should find there the subdirectories :: Applications/RISC Applications/InvEulerPhi and in particular the file :: Applications/RISC/MultiSum.m If you don't see ``RISC`` and ``InvEulerPhi`` directly under ``Applications``, then something went wrong and the following will not work. Start Mathematica and type:: << RISC`MultiSum` You should then see something like:: Package MultiSum version 2.3 written by Kurt Wegschaider enhanced by Axel Riese and Burkhard Zimmermann Copyright 1995-2009, Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC), Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria