GenOmega: A Mathematica implementation of Guo-Niu Han’s general Algorithm for MacMahon’s Partition Analysis

This package is part of the RISCErgoSum bundle. See Download and Installation.

Short Description

GenOmega is a Mathematica implementation of Guo-Niu Han’s general Algorithm for MacMahon’s Partition Analysis carried out by Manuela Wiesinger, a master student of the RISC Combinatorics group. Partition Analysis is a computational method for solving problems in connection with linear homogeneous diophantine inequalities and equations, respectively.


Accompanying Files

How to refer to the Omega package?

A detailed description of the package can be found in the M. Wiesinger’s master thesis.

  • M. Wiesinger, Contributions to MacMahon’s Partition Analysis, Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC), Master Thesis, 2009. [pdf]