0;115;0c Algebraic Combinatorics 2022W

Algebraic Combinatorics

Please note the following times for lecture and exercises (not the same order as in KUSSS):

Lecture: Tue, 13:00-14:30, HS14

Exercises: Tue, 12:00-12:45, HS14

The times and location for lecture and exercises are

Lecture: Tue, 12:00-13:30, HS14

Exercises: Tue, 13:45-14:30, HS14

The first lecture is on October 11, 2022. The exercises start the week after. The lecture will be held in English.

Enumerative Combinatorics is divided in two subfields: (i) Counting Theory and (ii) Formal Manipulation Techniques. This lecture is mainly devoted to Counting Theory; the other subfield is treated in the lecture Algorithmic Combinatorics.

In this lecture basic combinatorical sequences such as binomial coefficients, Stirling numbers, or partition numbers are introduced as well as the concept of group actions. The latter is a fundamental concept that connects algebra with combinatorics.


Requirements: Basic knowledge from analysis and linear algebra.

Veronika Pillwein


Tue, 12:00-12:45, HS14

The assignments for the exercises will be posted here.
DiscussionExercise sheet

Silviu Radu