RISC-Linz Courses WS 2001/2002

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If not announced otherwise, all courses start in the week of October 8.

Number Title Lecturer Time Room


Formale Grundlagen 2 (Theoretische Informatik) F. Winkler Freitag 12:00-13:30 HS 10
326.943 Übung zu Formale Grundlagen 2 (Theoretische Informatik) R. Hemmecke Freitag 11:00-11:45 HS 11
326.935 Übung zu Formale Grundlagen 2 (Theoretische Informatik) Günter Landsmann Freitag 11:00-11:45 T 111
326.947 Übung zu Formale Grundlagen 2 (Theoretische Informatik) F. Winkler Freitag 11:00-11:45 T 211
326.623 Algorithms for Distributed Systems W. Schreiner Wednesday 17:15-18:45 T 111
326.101 Logic I for Mathematicians and Computer Scientists B. Buchberger Fri 10:15-11:45 HS 10
326.103 Logic I for Mathematicians and Computer Scientists: Exercise S. Stifter Fri 12:00-12:45 HS 3
326.123 Automated Theorem Proving II T. Jebelean Tue 12:45-14:15 HA 105
326.201 Introduction to Computer Algebra F. Winkler Tue 16:15-17:45 HS 12
326.203 Introduction to Computer Algebra: Exercises F. Winkler Tue 15:30-16:15 HS 12
326.252 Algebraic Geometry Günter Landsmann Mon 16:15-17:45 UC 5
326.260 Computer Algebra Systems (DERIVE, TI-89/92) B. Kutzler to be agreed to be agreed
326.303 Computability Theory H. Rolletschek Thu 12:00-13:30 BA 9908
326.413 Discrete Algorithmic Geometry S. Stifter Th 10:15-11:45 HS 11
326.429 Virtual Environments in Automation H. Mayr Tue 8:30-10:00 T 811
326.443 Geometric Modelling S. Stifter Wed 8:00-10:00 HS 13
326.531 Logic Programming E. Blurock Wed 17:15-18:45, Start: October 31 T 911
326.535 Knowledge Based Engineering E. Blurock Wed 13:00-14:30, Start: October 31 HS 3
326.833 Project Seminar (SS): Parallel and Distributed Software and Algorithms W. Schreiner Thursday 16:30-18:00 HA 105
236.853 Project Seminar: Logic and Set Theory J. Schicho to be agreed to be agreed
326.711 Seminar for Diploma- and Doctoral Students I P. Paule to be agreed to be agreed
326.807 Project Seminar (WS): Algorithmic Combinatorics P. Paule to be agreed to be agreed
326.010 Thinking, Speaking, Writing (Scientific Working in Symbolic Computation) B. Buchberger Fri 12:45-14:15 HA 105
326.020 English for Diploma- and Doctoral Students Gregory Curtis to be agreed to be agreed
326.029 Software Project Engineering H. Mayr Tue 10:15-11.45 J 311B
326.050 Lecture Series Symbolic Computation B. Buchberger , F. Winkler to be agreed to be agreed
326.751 Literature Seminar Symbolic Computation I B. Buchberger and assistant to be agreed to be agreed
326.753 Literature Seminar Computer Algebra I I F. Winkler to be agreed to be agreed
326.757 Programming Projekt Symbolic Computation I B. Buchberger and assistant to be agreed to be agreed
326.701 Seminar for Diploma- and Doctoral Students (Symbolic Computation) B. Buchberger Mon 13:30-15:00 HA 105
326.703 Seminar for Diploma- and Doctoral Students (Computer Algebra) F. Winkler to be agreed to be agreed
326.707 Seminar for Diploma- and Doctoral Students (Algorithm Theory) H. Rolletschek to be agreed to be agreed
326.805 Project Seminar (WS): Computer-Algebra F. Winkler Thu 14:30-16:00 HA 105
326.807 Project Seminar (WS): Algorithmic Combinatorics P. Paule to be agreed to be agreed
326.817 Project Seminar (WS): Expert Systems B. Buchberger , E. Blurock to be agreed to be agreed
326.823 Project Seminar (WS): Automated Theorem Proving (Theorema-Project) B. Buchberger , T. Jebelean to be agreed to be agreed
326.825 Project Seminar (WS): Geometry and Modelling B. Buchberger , H. Mayr to be agreed to be agreed
326.853 Project Seminar (WS): Proving and Solving over the Reals F. Winkler , J. Schicho to be agreed to be agreed
324.745 Project Seminar: Algebraic Spline Curves and Surfaces B. Juettler, J. Schicho to be agreed to be agreed

Maintainer: The System Administration
Last Modification: February 1, 2002

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