Courses: SS96

Unless announced otherwise in the course descriptions, all courses will start in the week from March 4, 1996.

Number Lecturer Time Location
315.088 F. Winkler Tue 14:45-16:15 HS 12
Advanced Computer Algebra
315.089 P. Paule Wed 8:0-10:00 K 009D
Analytic Combinatorics
315.091 H. Rolletschek Thu 8:00-10:00 K 009D
Formal Specification and Verification
315.094 F. Winkler Tue 16:30-18:00 K 009D
Algorithmic Algebraic Geometry
315.095 S. Stifter Wed 8:00-10:00 K 012D
Geometric Fundamentals
315.302 H. Rolletschek Thu 10:00-12:00 K 009D
Decidability and Complexity Classes
315.310 J. Pfalzgraf - n.Ü.
Logic for Mathematicians and Computer Scientists II
315.320 B. Buchberger / F. Winkler Thu 12:00-13:30 HS 13
Overview Symbolic Computation
315.321 B. Buchberger Fri 13:00-14:30 HA 105
Practical Training in Problem Solving and Theorem Proving
(Thinking - Speaking - Writing)
315.356 J. Pfalzgraf - n.Ü.
Connectionist Systems and Artificial Neural Networks
315.366 H. Mayr Tue 8:00-12:00 K 009D
Softautomation: Simulation and Programming
315.367 B. Kutzler - n.Ü.
Mathematikunterricht mit DERIVE
315.371 E. Blurock Wed 16:30-18:00 HS 9
Functional Programming - LISP
315.375 H. Hong Fri 8:00-10:00 K 177F
Parallel Algorithms for Symbolic Computations
315.376 P. Paule Wed 10:00-12:00 K 009D
Algorithmic Combinatorics
315.393 T. Jebelean Fr 10:00-12:00 K 009D
Theoretical Models for Parallel Computation
315.461 G. Collins Thu 16:00-18:00 HA 105
Quantifier Elimination
315.504 W. Windsteiger Wed 14:30-16:00 KG 318
Programming in Mathematica
315.506 M. Baaz Fri 15:00-18:30 P 125
Type Theory
315.507 W. Schreiner Mon 8:30-10:00 KG 712
Semantics of Parallel Programming Languages
315.508 D. Wang - Block
Computational Differential Algebra
315.509 W. Schreiner Thu 17:00-18:30 MZ 005B
Struct. of Progr. Lang. II: Types, Modules, Classes
315.510 W. Krandick - n.Ü.
Isolation and Refinement of Polynomial Roots
315.511 M. Joswig - n.Ü.
Quadratic Forms
315.517 J. Schicho - n.Ü.
Algebraic Surfaces
315.524 K. Stokkermans - n.Ü.
Applications of Category Theory in Computer Science

Additionaly, there is a list of seminars offered at RISC available.

Maintained by: Franz Lichtenberger / Generated at: April 24, 1996