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RISC Courses Summer Semester 2023

Find below the list of courses offered by RISC-Linz as of 30.6.2023.

Course Id Title Registration Type Hours Teachers Rhythm
326.002 (2023S) Algortithmic Combinatorics Register UE 1,0 Philipp Nuspl Weekly
326.001 (2023S) Algortithmic Combinatorics
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Register VL 2,0 Veronika Elisabeth Pillwein Weekly
326.003 (2023S) Algorithmic methods
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Register KV 2,0 Wolfgang Windsteiger Weekly
326.012 (2023S) Bachelor Seminar with Bachelor Thesis Register SE 2,0 Peter Paule

Carsten Schneider
326.046 (2023S) Computer Algebra for Concrete Mathematics
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Register VL 2,0 Carsten Schneider Weekly
326.047 (2023S) Computer Algebra for Concrete Mathematics
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Register UE 1,0 Silviu Radu Weekly
326.079 (2023S) Computer Analysis
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Register VL 2,0 Veronika Elisabeth Pillwein Weekly
326.009 (2023S) Introductory Exercises in Mathematics Register UE 2,0 Niels Lubbes

Josef Schicho
326.703 (2023S) Formal Foundations in Business Informatics Register UE 1,0 Günter Landsmann Weekly
326.715 (2023S) Formal Foundations in Business Informatics Register UE 1,0 Nikolaj Popov Weekly
326.712 (2023S) Formal Foundations in Business Informatics Register VL 3,0 Nikolaj Popov Weekly
326.714 (2023S) Formal Foundations in Business Informatics Register UE 1,0 Nikolaj Popov Weekly
326.0FS (2023S) Formal Semantics of Programming Languages
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Register VL 2,0 Wolfgang Schreiner Weekly
326.113 (2023S) Master's Thesis Seminar II Register SE 2,0 Peter Paule

Carsten Schneider
326.300 (2023S) Mathematics for Social and Economic Science
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Register KS 2,0 Wolfgang Windsteiger

Philipp Langgruber
326.295 (2023S) Parallel Computing
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Register KV 3,0 Wolfgang Schreiner

Alois Zoitl
326.062 (2023S) Practical in Logic and Software Design
Programming in Mathematica
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Register KV 2,0 Ralf Hemmecke Weekly
326.041 (2023S) Practical Software Technology
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Register KV 3,0 Ioana Cleopatra Pau Weekly
326.005 (2023S) Programming 2
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Register KV 2,0 Wolfgang Schreiner Weekly
326.900 (2023S) Project Practical Register PR 5,0 Carsten Schneider Weekly
326.065 (2023S) Rewriting in Computer Science and Logic
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Register VL 2,0 Teimuraz Kutsia Weekly
326.099 (2023S) Seminar logic and software design
Project seminar Formal Methods and automated Reasoning II
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Register SE 2,0 Wolfgang Schreiner

Teimuraz Kutsia
Wolfgang Windsteiger
326.0CA (2023S) Seminar symbolic computation
Computer algebra II
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Register SE 2,0 Carsten Schneider Weekly
326.096 (2023S) Seminar symbolic computation
Project seminar Algorithmic combinatorics II
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Register SE 2,0 Peter Paule Weekly
326.060 (2023S) Seminar symbolic computation
History and Philosophy of Mathematics
Register SE 2,0 Josef Schicho Weekly
326.0MM (2023S) Special Topics
Programming in Mathematica
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Register KV 2,0 Ralf Hemmecke Weekly
326.0VR (2023S) Special Topics
Formal Models of Parallel and Distributed Systems
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Register VL 2,0 Wolfgang Schreiner Weekly
326.087 (2023S) Special Topics
Functional Programming
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Register VL 2,0 Teimuraz Kutsia Weekly
326.076 (2023S) Special topics logic and software design
Formal Models of Parallel and Distributed Systems
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Register VL 2,0 Wolfgang Schreiner Weekly
326.00E (2023S) Special topics logic and software design
Formal Languages and Formal Grammars
Register VL 2,0 Nikolaj Popov Weekly
326.008 (2023S) Special topics logic and software design
Rewriting in Computer Science and Logic
Register UE 1,0 Ioana Cleopatra Pau Weekly
326.080 (2023S) Special Topics symbolic computation
Symbolic Linear Algebra
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Register VL 2,0 Carsten Schneider Weekly
326.083 (2023S) Special Topics symbolic computation
Orthogonal Polynomials and Symbolic Computation
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Register VL 2,0 Veronika Elisabeth Pillwein Weekly
326.084 (2023S) Special Topics symbolic computation
Algorithmic algebraic geometrie
Register VL 2,0 Günter Landsmann Weekly
326.114 (2023S) Overview of Mathematics I Register VL 1,0 Niels Lubbes Weekly
326.115 (2023S) Overview of Mathematics II Register VL 1,0 Josef Schicho Weekly
326.116 (2023S) Overview of Mathematics III Register VL 2,0 Günter Landsmann Weekly
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